Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Citer yang jadi sejarah buat aku -18 SX - 2

Aku tido pukul 1.00am malam tu, bangun kul 3.00 pagi, pergi airport, pukul 3.40am, sampai 4.45am, check in, and then kena jalan jauh, hujung airport nak sampai ke gate A11. Aku fikir, sure L tak sampai lagi and will miss the flight. Lantak le. Sesampai aku kat gate, aku nampak dia dah duduk kat situ. Hooiyooo, caya sama lu le.

Naik kapalterbang, sampai kat Kucing pukul 7:15am. Aku expect ader le orang ngan sign tulis "Golfer Melayu, Mr L", Tengok satu hapah pun tadak. Citer kat L, "lu tengok-tengok le, sebab lu tau camamana muka Dato Y ni". Dah sure tak da, aku call Hand Phone Dato Y, masuk Voice Mail, aku tinggal pesan kata aku dah sampai and kat airport Kucing sekarang ni. After 20 minutes, aku send SMS to my Mentor, cakap kita dah kena kencing, Dato tu tak nampak muka pun. mentor aku jawab, give him another hour, tak dak jugak, belah KL. Masa tu aku dah sibuk SMS member aku si HH, tanya pasal memember dia kat Kucing. Sms ASH, cammana Tiger at World Golf Championship. 2 down @ 12th holes. Alamak ni yang tak sedap ni!!!!.

Pukul 8.50am , Dato Y call aku, tanya aku kat mana. "Kat airport". "Kat Airport lagi???" Dato Y tanya aku. Dalam hati aku, "So what do you expect me to do, aku tak kenal kau, and aku tak tahu mana nak pergi". "Who are u with?". "With L". Pas tu Dato tu sembur aku "Hey, I specifically told you guys not to bring any cha,ya,nun, alip", Do you know, who you're talking to? You don't know, right. I"m like a king here in Sarawak. I don't like company kurang ajar ni. I can be very nasty when I'm angry!!!"

Alamak??!! ni apa ke hal ni. Aku kat Kucing, bukan kat KL. Hati dah mula rasa tak sedap. " My apology Datok, I don't know about that", "I was only informed about this, 2 days ago, I brought my notebook, for company's presentation and the forwarded proposal". "Siapa suruh bawak tu, I've have specifically told u guys to come up with a working proposal and burn it on a CD!!!!".....

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