Monday, September 05, 2005

Golf etiquette 101

Yesterday, Sunday......My usual golf time with my golf buddies, handicap 9, 10,10 and 14., at the Club. At the tee-box of the first hole, ZAB, a golfer that used to be a single handicaper, now a ten, gets ready to hit his first drive. You see, in golf, the lowest handicap player will always gets the honour to hit first and ZAB has always been the lowest handicap player in the group.

"Ehem, ehem...." cleared my throat. Not a very ethical act in golf. Gotta be quiet while the other player gets ready to hit the ball.
" Oiii, diam le sikit, aku nak pukul ni"
" Aisay, bukannyer lowest handicap player ke yang pukul dulu?" Tanya aku.
" Ko sepuluh kan, sama ngan aku, tapi aku dah lama jadi single, so aku pukul dulu lah" Jawab ZAB.
" Aku sembilan la....."

After that ZAB's game became haywired. Menjadi gak "Psyco" gua. he,he


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