Monday, July 10, 2006

An interesting coffee-break

I was having a coffee-break with a few of my friends, when this "bapuk" came into the "mamak" stall with her ...errr... his friend. Immediately out of curiosity; my head turned following his footsteps. My friends were all giggling;

" aisay Golfer Melayu, lu tengok apa?"
"Tak da pa; saja gua ada sikit fenin"

A friend of mine, who sat with his back at the "bapuk" turned his head to check out the "she-male".

All of a sudden; ..

" Oiiii!!!!! apa kacau-kacau ni...aku tak kacau ko orang; nakal macam setan!!!! kalo ko nak main ngan aku, cakap aje la!!!!"

Malunyer aku.....

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