I was invited to a 'charity' golf in honour of the 60th birthday of one Malaysian Minister.
"How much?" My initial reaction.
"RM 350/person...What's ur handicap? " Organizer
"Ahhh...Tan Sri was looking for a single handicapper to play with him... I can get you to be in one-flight with him...interested?"
"What is Tan Sri's handicap?" Me
"22...usually it will cost "people" RM50,000 to be in the same flight with him; for you special price...RM10,000"
"Huh??! Are you CRAZEEE!!? I'll join the "charity" golf but just put me in some other flight; won't pay that much to play with a 22 handicapper...and the norm is.... the high handicapper would have to pay to play with a single!!! Ahak