Maka bermulalah perang SMS untuk mengucapkan "Selamat Hari Raya I'dulfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Bathin" . Boss-boss Telco company senyum aje. Aku pun join sama mengantar SMS Raya ni. Mana taknye. Tak sempat nak hantar kad raya. Aku baru keluar hospital. Hari ni aku gi office, 1st day after the long break, melambak-lambak kad raya kat meja aku. Mana kad raya yang aku dapat, and kad-kad raya yang dah masuk sampul tunggu aku sign aje. Kira-kira kad-kad ni akan sampai lepas raya la. Takpa la, janji hantar gak.
Since aku dah bole gerak, weekend lepas gi buka puasa kat rumah omak and in-laws. At the in-laws, ada perjumpaan famili yang besar gak. Best gak. Maghrib sesama and Isyak and Terawikh sesama. Makan sakan aku, especially sekarang ni aku ada natural diet plan, sejak-sejak tak dak hempedu ni. Makan aje, within five minutes, aku kena gi toilet.
So nak balik kampung mana? Kampung gua ke kampung wife? Hmmmm.... gua local(Taman Pelangi ,Sentul), wife local(Kajang). Plan rabu ni, pagi gi Kajang, malam gi Taman Pelangi. Takbir kat sana. Pas takbir rumah ke rumah, gi Kajang balik. Raya kat Kajang, pas sembahyang raya, round rumah-rumah yang biasa di round, next day gi Taman Pelangi balik and then gi rumah-rumah yang patut di ziarahi. Pikir-pikir, boring gak tak da kampung ni. The last time aku balik kampung was the time when I'm in primary two. We were staying in Kuantan at that time. Balik KL, untuk balik kampung. Arwah Abah kat Selayang, Omak kat Segambut. Ahhh...those good old days.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
Yikes, it's already Friday. 2 weeks after the open chole. I'm just beginning to enjoy the break..or MC. I know I would have tons to do when I'm back at the office but...hey...I think I better enjoy the "accidental" long break, while it last. Next monday...I'll be back in the office...for a day before going off for the Hariraya Holiday. My body feels good. I believe I could do a full golf-swing with a golf club by next week. Ahh....something I'm looking forward to do.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Ahhhh....It's nice to recover. Slowly but surely. Especially when you do the recovering at home. Watched tons of DVDs. Played with the kids PS2 quite a bit, eventhough, I only exclusively play the "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006" out of hundreds of games that's lying beside the PS2.
Yesterday, my first day of driving, ...actually my first day of driving without flinching with pain. I did that once last week, sending my eldest kid to school, and it was a BADDDD idea. I went to Ampang Puteri for a post check-up with Dr Shuib, the surgeon. The guy is cool. Everything's cool......except that I can't use my stomach muscles. When the open surgery was done, all veins and nerves that runs through the stomach areas were shreded to pieces...would need time to heal.
Met the "biras" cousin of mine, The Big Boss Man of 8TV, AIO, getting his cholesterol pill.
"So, what's the main reason for the gallstones in the gallbladder?" AIO
" Inbalance diet, stress, and bad sex life....ha,ha"
"just kidding!!!"
Arghh, I need to be able to drive the DRIVER again!!!!! If not, I would always come up with those lame jokes,........ again and again.
Yesterday, my first day of driving, ...actually my first day of driving without flinching with pain. I did that once last week, sending my eldest kid to school, and it was a BADDDD idea. I went to Ampang Puteri for a post check-up with Dr Shuib, the surgeon. The guy is cool. Everything's cool......except that I can't use my stomach muscles. When the open surgery was done, all veins and nerves that runs through the stomach areas were shreded to pieces...would need time to heal.
Met the "biras" cousin of mine, The Big Boss Man of 8TV, AIO, getting his cholesterol pill.
"So, what's the main reason for the gallstones in the gallbladder?" AIO
" Inbalance diet, stress, and bad sex life....ha,ha"
"just kidding!!!"
Arghh, I need to be able to drive the DRIVER again!!!!! If not, I would always come up with those lame jokes,........ again and again.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
My Condolence....Al Fatehah
To Pak Lah, for the demise of his beloved wife...
And to Ahmad Lutfi Osman, for losing his beloved daughter, his touching story in my email today. Al Fatehah...
Subject: [AL-HIDAYAH] Perginya jantung hati
Perginya jantung hati kami
Oleh Ahmad Lutfi Othman
Rabu, 5 Oktober, 1 Ramadhan, jam 8.15 pagi. Segalanya berhenti. Deru angin, kicau burung, juga lintasan dan angan-angan. Dengan lembut roh Nurul Syafiqah bt Siti Hawa, 11 tahun, anak kedua kami dipisahkan dari jasadnya sehingga saya, isteri dan tiga putera lainnya, Ahmad Luqman Hakim, Ahmad Ikmal Syafiq dan Umar Mukhtar menyangkanya tertidur nyenyak.
Tragedi tidak bermula Subuh awal puasa itu. Aturan Ilahi tentang kematian kerap menyentap,
mengejutkan lena, memancung cita-cita, namun punya rahsia tersembunyi, yang mungkin tidak terbongkar sampai bila-bila. Jumaat, 30 September, 12.45 tengahari. Syafiqah telefon dari sekolah. "Akak tertinggal bas, boleh ayah ambil?" Saya terdiam, banyak kerja mesti disiapkan; artikel politik kampus untuk harakahdaily baru setengah jalan. "Akak jalan kaki,
ya?" pintas Syafiqah selepas saya membatu.
Semalaman membakar pizza. "Tapi banyak barang kena bawa ni," asaknya tanpa nada mendesak. Hari itu Syafiqah 'menjamu' guru-gurunya dengan juadah pizza masakan ibunya. Semalaman dia menunggu pizza dibakar oven. Sememangnya Syafiqah suka sekali membawa makanan ke sekolah, tidak lama dulu nasi daging. Sehingga dia mengalah, saya langsung tidak terasa apa-apa bahawa Syafiqah mulai letih dengan demam dan sakit tekak yang dideritainya. Petangnya Syafiqah telefon maklumkan dia dapat tumpang kawannya balik.
Malamnya, apabila sampai depan rumah, lambat pula Syafiqah buka pagar. "Awat lambat?" Saya merungut walaupun cahaya lampu kereta menyerlahkan muka Syafiqah yang pucat.
"Akak cari tudung."
"Malam gelap, tak ada siapa nampak," jawab kebodohan saya.
Ketika itu tidak teringat langsung bahawa Syafiqah kini cukup prihatin dengan aurat. Nak masukkan karung sampah di belakang rumah pun Syafiqah pastikan bertudung dulu.
Set nasi ayam
Sabtu, 1 Oktober, sepatutnya saya tunaikan janji dengan Syafiqah. Selepas tamat UPSR dan PSRA, dua hari sebelum itu, Syafiqah minta set nasi Ayamas. "RM5 saja ayah. Akak teringin nak makan dengan kawan. Kami jalan kaki pun boleh." Masya-Allah, saya seolah-olah tidak
mendengarnya sambil memberi jawapan tidak pasti, "esok ... esok." Isteri saya, Siti Hawa memberitahu Syafiqah tidak selera makan malam tadi apabila saya minta izin ke KL hadiri mesyuarat penggerak demokrasi bersama Mat Sabu. Nasi goreng kampung dengan sambal belacan kegemarannya hanya ditatap, kemudian disimpan dalam peti sejuk. Saya masih tidak terasa apa-apa sedangkan takdir hanya menunggu masa.
"Ayah pi sekejap aja, sebelum tengahari selesai, nanti malam kita balik kampung," kata saya kepada Syafiqah sambil berjalan ke kereta. Raut muka cerianya seperti terlindung. Saya seakan terlupa Syafiqah anak berjiwa kental, sesekali tidak menunjukkan rasa sakit minta dimanja walaupun sememangnya sedang menderita. Lewat petang, selepas menukar tayar kereta di Hulu Kelang, memecut laju ke asrama anak sulung kami, Luqman, di SAM 10,
Cheras. Aduhai, janji dengan Syafiqah sudah luput. "Bawa akak ke klinik, tekak makin perit," katanya, juga tanpa menunjukkan rasa sakit. Klinik famili kami, Dr Mahyuddin Yassin tutup. Saya ke klinik sebelah, dekat Taman Sri Ampang. Semasa menunggu, Syafiqah bermain- main dengan dua anak kecil. Nampak letih tetapi tetap gembira. Saya berbisik, "Nak balik kampung?" "Ayah baliklah dulu, akak boleh tinggal dengan nenek," balasnya.
Ketika neneknya datang malam itu, kami sudah bersiap nak balik Kedah. Syafiqah tenang saja. Kalau anak lain tentu akan merengek. Emak mentua saya akan membawanya ke hospital periksa darah, takut-takut denggi. Dalam perjalanan kami dimaklumkan Syafiqah tidak
diserang demam maut itu. Lega. Melalui SMS, dan itu kali pertama Syafiqah menggunakannya,
dia bertanya, "ayah di mana?" Sambil melintasi Taiping, saya menjawab. Selang beberapa lama nada SMS berbunyi, juga dari Syafiqah, soalan sama, di samping memberitahu dia muntah. 5 pagi, kami sampai di Kampung Raja, Kubang Pasu. Saya maklumkan kepada Syafiqah. Kemudiannya kami diberitahu Syafiqah malam itu asyik sembang dengan neneknya, maklumkan kandungan SMS.
Ahad, pagi ke petang (begitu juga Isnin) temujanji saya padat di Alor Setar, Syafiqah terus SMS. "Mulut akak pahit, nak buat macamana." Saya menjawab, dan Syafiqah bertanya hal lain pula. Sehingga malam baru saya sedari SMS tadi rupanya "gagal dihantar".
Ya Allah, rupanya Syafiqah terus menunggu dan menunggu ... Selasa pagi kami berangkat pulang. Walaupun jangkanya dapat bertolak sebelum jam 10, tapi disebabkan singgah banyak rumah saudara-mara, itu pun tidak sempat menziarahi pusara bonda Aisyah (sesuatu yang tidak pernah saya tinggalkan jika balik kampung), menjelang 1 tengahari baru kami keluar ke Pekan Tunjang, seterusnya ke Lebuhraya Utara Selatan. Di rumah neneknya, Syafiqah makin lemah tidak berselera makan, dan asyik menyebut nama ayah dan ibunya. Tapi bicaranya
tetap ramah, suaranya masih bertenaga. Kami solat Maghrib di R&R Sg Buloh. Syafiqah desak saya jemput. Sekali lagi, ayah yang tidak mengerti perasaan anak di hujung usia itu, minta tangguh esoknya, atas alasan letih.
Syafiqah berkeras. Dia menggesa nenek dan pamannya hantar segera ke Bukit Ampang. Ketika Syafiqah tiba, saya keletihan di katil. Namun terdengar juga celotehnya dengan Luqman. Dia
bercerita tentang bagaimana darahnya diperiksa. Saya dimaklumkan kemudiannya, Luqman > pun tidak memberikan respons sewajarnya, juga kerana letih dan mengantuk.
Awal pagi terdengar Syafiqah asyik masuk keluar bilik air, muntah. Ibunya berlari-lari anak menyantuni, antara Syafiqah dan adik kecilnya, Nurin Afifah, 2 tahun, yang juga terbatuk-batuk. Setengah jam sebelum Subuh kami sekeluarga di meja makan, bersahur, termasuk Syafiqah.
"Fiqah tak payah posalah," kata saya. Ampun Tuhan, suara suara agak tinggi minta Syafiqah kembali tidur dan berehat, kebetulan kerusi di meja makan tidak cukup untuk semua kami.
7.45 pagi, 1 Ramadhan, isteri mengejutkan lena saya. Syafiqah menjerit: "Ibu, sakit! Ibu, sakit! Dari atas saya mendengar suara Syafiqah cukup kuat, tidak pernah dia menjerit selantang itu.
Melihat keadaannya, jantung saya berdegup kencang. Taqdir makin dekat. Tahu ibunya menyidai basuhan, Syafiqah bersuara, agak perlahan: "Dahlah ibu, suruh abang sidai kain, akak
sakit ni."
Tapi bicara Syafiqah masih jelas, dia sendiri minta ke hospital. Saya renung matanya, langsung tidak berair, maknanya dia hanya menjerit bukan menangis. Ya Allah, kuatnya semangat anakku ini. Sememangnya sejak malam tadi saya berkira untuk ke hospital pagi-pagi esoknya.
Namun, saya dan Siti langsung tidak terlintas Syafiqah akan berangkat ke alam lain, meninggalkan fitnah dunia. Rupanya Siti sudah memandi dan membersihkan tubuhnya. "Bagai bayi saya mandikan Syafiqah, cuci rambutnya. Nampak kakinya kuning, tubuhnya sejuk, tapi langsung tidak terbayang dia mahu pergi selamanya," cerita Siti kemudiannya kepada
kawan-kawan yang menziarahi.
8.00 pagi. Suara Syafiqah tetap jelas bila meminta saya memapahnya keluar dari bilik solat. Bersama Siti, saya menuntunnya ke ruang tengah. Selepas didudukkan, saya perhatikan wajahnya seolah-olah tanpa darah. Ketika itu baru lintasan hati mengilhamkan sesuatu yang
pedih dan perit. Syafiqah masih sempat minta saya papahnya ke kerusi panjang di depannya, mungkin dia mahu berbaring. Saya cuba mengangkatnya tapi tidak terdaya, Syafiqah terasa berat. Semasa sibuk mengemas untuk ke Hospital Ampang Puteri - 4 km dari rumah kami - saya, Siti dan anak-anak terpandang Syafiqah seperti menarik nafas panjang, dua kali. Lehernya terlentok. Subhanallah, janji Allah sudah sampai. Mata saya dan Siti berpandangan, namun kami tidak sempat memberi reaksi lain kecuali mempercepatkan Syafiqah ke hospital.
Hati saya berkata-kata sambil cuba menatang tubuh Syafiqah yang masih terasa hangatnya. Selepas menghidupkan enjin kereta saya memanggil jiran sebelah, William, sama-sama mengangkat Syafiqah. Berkali-kali namanya dipanggil. Syafiqah nampak seperti nyenyak tidur. Dalam kelam-kabut itu saya pandangan saya letak ke wajah Siti, ibu yang mengandungkan Syafiqah dan Syafiqah membesar di depannya sehingga menginjak usia 11 tahun. Harapan ibu tetap tinggi. Sambil memangkunya di kerusi belakang, Siti tidak putus-putus menyebut nama Allah. Air mata tidak sempat tumpah lagi. Tumpuan saya ke arah jalan raya yang sibuk pagi itu. Perjalanan ke hospital terasa begitu aneh, kiri kanan jalan seperti sunyi sepi. Degupan jantung kuat sekali. Tangan kanan memegang stereng, tangan kiri menjamah tubuh Syafiqah. "Panas lagi," harap Siti walaupun menyedari tiada apa yang bergerak di tubuh Syafiqah.
Mulut saya terkunci. Mata terasa panas. Bergenang air mata Siti tapi harapannya tidak pudar.
Saya memberhentikan kereta di lobi kecemasan. Hon dibunyikan bertalu-talu. Melihatkan reaksi awal kakitangan hospital ketika mereka mengangkat tubuh Syafiqah, jawapannya jelas dan pasti. Syafiqah sudah pergi meninggalkan kami. Ketika saya memimpin Nurin dari kawasan letak kereta, dan Siti sedang menemani Syafiqah, saya belum dimaklumkan secara
rasmi tentang kehilangan jantung hati kami itu. Namun berat sekali kaki diheret menaiki tangga. Saya mendukung Nurin sambil menciumnya: "Kakak dah tak ada Nurin."
Sebaik melangkah masuk hospital, saya nampak Siti sedang mengisi keterangan peribdi Syafiqah. Saya dengar hampir semua maklumat penting Syafiqah yang diberikannya salah. Siti menoleh ke arah saya, wajahnya tenang walaupun ketara pucat. Saya tidak perlu bertanya lagi. "Fiqah dah tak ada, bang," getar suaranya jelas. Berdepan jasad kaku Syafiqah, terlintas, bagaimana sewaktu tiga tahun saya menderita sakit misteri, terlantar di rumah, tidak mampu
bekerja, saya sering terhibur dengan celotehnya, gurau manjanya, malah puas terasa bila dia mengurut lenguh badan. Kerap dia teresak- esak menangis bila melihat saya mengerang kesakitan. Tapi, ya Allah, apabila dia menderita sakit, saya tiada di sisi, malah tidak pun sempat melayannya dengan baik, dan banyak janji tidak tertunai, walaupun sekadar nasi Ayamas yang selalu disebutnya. Air mata mula tumpah dan hingga kini, selepas seminggu, air mata itu belum mahu kering lagi. Al-Fatehah. - UM
And to Ahmad Lutfi Osman, for losing his beloved daughter, his touching story in my email today. Al Fatehah...
Subject: [AL-HIDAYAH] Perginya jantung hati
Perginya jantung hati kami
Oleh Ahmad Lutfi Othman
Rabu, 5 Oktober, 1 Ramadhan, jam 8.15 pagi. Segalanya berhenti. Deru angin, kicau burung, juga lintasan dan angan-angan. Dengan lembut roh Nurul Syafiqah bt Siti Hawa, 11 tahun, anak kedua kami dipisahkan dari jasadnya sehingga saya, isteri dan tiga putera lainnya, Ahmad Luqman Hakim, Ahmad Ikmal Syafiq dan Umar Mukhtar menyangkanya tertidur nyenyak.
Tragedi tidak bermula Subuh awal puasa itu. Aturan Ilahi tentang kematian kerap menyentap,
mengejutkan lena, memancung cita-cita, namun punya rahsia tersembunyi, yang mungkin tidak terbongkar sampai bila-bila. Jumaat, 30 September, 12.45 tengahari. Syafiqah telefon dari sekolah. "Akak tertinggal bas, boleh ayah ambil?" Saya terdiam, banyak kerja mesti disiapkan; artikel politik kampus untuk harakahdaily baru setengah jalan. "Akak jalan kaki,
ya?" pintas Syafiqah selepas saya membatu.
Semalaman membakar pizza. "Tapi banyak barang kena bawa ni," asaknya tanpa nada mendesak. Hari itu Syafiqah 'menjamu' guru-gurunya dengan juadah pizza masakan ibunya. Semalaman dia menunggu pizza dibakar oven. Sememangnya Syafiqah suka sekali membawa makanan ke sekolah, tidak lama dulu nasi daging. Sehingga dia mengalah, saya langsung tidak terasa apa-apa bahawa Syafiqah mulai letih dengan demam dan sakit tekak yang dideritainya. Petangnya Syafiqah telefon maklumkan dia dapat tumpang kawannya balik.
Malamnya, apabila sampai depan rumah, lambat pula Syafiqah buka pagar. "Awat lambat?" Saya merungut walaupun cahaya lampu kereta menyerlahkan muka Syafiqah yang pucat.
"Akak cari tudung."
"Malam gelap, tak ada siapa nampak," jawab kebodohan saya.
Ketika itu tidak teringat langsung bahawa Syafiqah kini cukup prihatin dengan aurat. Nak masukkan karung sampah di belakang rumah pun Syafiqah pastikan bertudung dulu.
Set nasi ayam
Sabtu, 1 Oktober, sepatutnya saya tunaikan janji dengan Syafiqah. Selepas tamat UPSR dan PSRA, dua hari sebelum itu, Syafiqah minta set nasi Ayamas. "RM5 saja ayah. Akak teringin nak makan dengan kawan. Kami jalan kaki pun boleh." Masya-Allah, saya seolah-olah tidak
mendengarnya sambil memberi jawapan tidak pasti, "esok ... esok." Isteri saya, Siti Hawa memberitahu Syafiqah tidak selera makan malam tadi apabila saya minta izin ke KL hadiri mesyuarat penggerak demokrasi bersama Mat Sabu. Nasi goreng kampung dengan sambal belacan kegemarannya hanya ditatap, kemudian disimpan dalam peti sejuk. Saya masih tidak terasa apa-apa sedangkan takdir hanya menunggu masa.
"Ayah pi sekejap aja, sebelum tengahari selesai, nanti malam kita balik kampung," kata saya kepada Syafiqah sambil berjalan ke kereta. Raut muka cerianya seperti terlindung. Saya seakan terlupa Syafiqah anak berjiwa kental, sesekali tidak menunjukkan rasa sakit minta dimanja walaupun sememangnya sedang menderita. Lewat petang, selepas menukar tayar kereta di Hulu Kelang, memecut laju ke asrama anak sulung kami, Luqman, di SAM 10,
Cheras. Aduhai, janji dengan Syafiqah sudah luput. "Bawa akak ke klinik, tekak makin perit," katanya, juga tanpa menunjukkan rasa sakit. Klinik famili kami, Dr Mahyuddin Yassin tutup. Saya ke klinik sebelah, dekat Taman Sri Ampang. Semasa menunggu, Syafiqah bermain- main dengan dua anak kecil. Nampak letih tetapi tetap gembira. Saya berbisik, "Nak balik kampung?" "Ayah baliklah dulu, akak boleh tinggal dengan nenek," balasnya.
Ketika neneknya datang malam itu, kami sudah bersiap nak balik Kedah. Syafiqah tenang saja. Kalau anak lain tentu akan merengek. Emak mentua saya akan membawanya ke hospital periksa darah, takut-takut denggi. Dalam perjalanan kami dimaklumkan Syafiqah tidak
diserang demam maut itu. Lega. Melalui SMS, dan itu kali pertama Syafiqah menggunakannya,
dia bertanya, "ayah di mana?" Sambil melintasi Taiping, saya menjawab. Selang beberapa lama nada SMS berbunyi, juga dari Syafiqah, soalan sama, di samping memberitahu dia muntah. 5 pagi, kami sampai di Kampung Raja, Kubang Pasu. Saya maklumkan kepada Syafiqah. Kemudiannya kami diberitahu Syafiqah malam itu asyik sembang dengan neneknya, maklumkan kandungan SMS.
Ahad, pagi ke petang (begitu juga Isnin) temujanji saya padat di Alor Setar, Syafiqah terus SMS. "Mulut akak pahit, nak buat macamana." Saya menjawab, dan Syafiqah bertanya hal lain pula. Sehingga malam baru saya sedari SMS tadi rupanya "gagal dihantar".
Ya Allah, rupanya Syafiqah terus menunggu dan menunggu ... Selasa pagi kami berangkat pulang. Walaupun jangkanya dapat bertolak sebelum jam 10, tapi disebabkan singgah banyak rumah saudara-mara, itu pun tidak sempat menziarahi pusara bonda Aisyah (sesuatu yang tidak pernah saya tinggalkan jika balik kampung), menjelang 1 tengahari baru kami keluar ke Pekan Tunjang, seterusnya ke Lebuhraya Utara Selatan. Di rumah neneknya, Syafiqah makin lemah tidak berselera makan, dan asyik menyebut nama ayah dan ibunya. Tapi bicaranya
tetap ramah, suaranya masih bertenaga. Kami solat Maghrib di R&R Sg Buloh. Syafiqah desak saya jemput. Sekali lagi, ayah yang tidak mengerti perasaan anak di hujung usia itu, minta tangguh esoknya, atas alasan letih.
Syafiqah berkeras. Dia menggesa nenek dan pamannya hantar segera ke Bukit Ampang. Ketika Syafiqah tiba, saya keletihan di katil. Namun terdengar juga celotehnya dengan Luqman. Dia
bercerita tentang bagaimana darahnya diperiksa. Saya dimaklumkan kemudiannya, Luqman > pun tidak memberikan respons sewajarnya, juga kerana letih dan mengantuk.
Awal pagi terdengar Syafiqah asyik masuk keluar bilik air, muntah. Ibunya berlari-lari anak menyantuni, antara Syafiqah dan adik kecilnya, Nurin Afifah, 2 tahun, yang juga terbatuk-batuk. Setengah jam sebelum Subuh kami sekeluarga di meja makan, bersahur, termasuk Syafiqah.
"Fiqah tak payah posalah," kata saya. Ampun Tuhan, suara suara agak tinggi minta Syafiqah kembali tidur dan berehat, kebetulan kerusi di meja makan tidak cukup untuk semua kami.
7.45 pagi, 1 Ramadhan, isteri mengejutkan lena saya. Syafiqah menjerit: "Ibu, sakit! Ibu, sakit! Dari atas saya mendengar suara Syafiqah cukup kuat, tidak pernah dia menjerit selantang itu.
Melihat keadaannya, jantung saya berdegup kencang. Taqdir makin dekat. Tahu ibunya menyidai basuhan, Syafiqah bersuara, agak perlahan: "Dahlah ibu, suruh abang sidai kain, akak
sakit ni."
Tapi bicara Syafiqah masih jelas, dia sendiri minta ke hospital. Saya renung matanya, langsung tidak berair, maknanya dia hanya menjerit bukan menangis. Ya Allah, kuatnya semangat anakku ini. Sememangnya sejak malam tadi saya berkira untuk ke hospital pagi-pagi esoknya.
Namun, saya dan Siti langsung tidak terlintas Syafiqah akan berangkat ke alam lain, meninggalkan fitnah dunia. Rupanya Siti sudah memandi dan membersihkan tubuhnya. "Bagai bayi saya mandikan Syafiqah, cuci rambutnya. Nampak kakinya kuning, tubuhnya sejuk, tapi langsung tidak terbayang dia mahu pergi selamanya," cerita Siti kemudiannya kepada
kawan-kawan yang menziarahi.
8.00 pagi. Suara Syafiqah tetap jelas bila meminta saya memapahnya keluar dari bilik solat. Bersama Siti, saya menuntunnya ke ruang tengah. Selepas didudukkan, saya perhatikan wajahnya seolah-olah tanpa darah. Ketika itu baru lintasan hati mengilhamkan sesuatu yang
pedih dan perit. Syafiqah masih sempat minta saya papahnya ke kerusi panjang di depannya, mungkin dia mahu berbaring. Saya cuba mengangkatnya tapi tidak terdaya, Syafiqah terasa berat. Semasa sibuk mengemas untuk ke Hospital Ampang Puteri - 4 km dari rumah kami - saya, Siti dan anak-anak terpandang Syafiqah seperti menarik nafas panjang, dua kali. Lehernya terlentok. Subhanallah, janji Allah sudah sampai. Mata saya dan Siti berpandangan, namun kami tidak sempat memberi reaksi lain kecuali mempercepatkan Syafiqah ke hospital.
Hati saya berkata-kata sambil cuba menatang tubuh Syafiqah yang masih terasa hangatnya. Selepas menghidupkan enjin kereta saya memanggil jiran sebelah, William, sama-sama mengangkat Syafiqah. Berkali-kali namanya dipanggil. Syafiqah nampak seperti nyenyak tidur. Dalam kelam-kabut itu saya pandangan saya letak ke wajah Siti, ibu yang mengandungkan Syafiqah dan Syafiqah membesar di depannya sehingga menginjak usia 11 tahun. Harapan ibu tetap tinggi. Sambil memangkunya di kerusi belakang, Siti tidak putus-putus menyebut nama Allah. Air mata tidak sempat tumpah lagi. Tumpuan saya ke arah jalan raya yang sibuk pagi itu. Perjalanan ke hospital terasa begitu aneh, kiri kanan jalan seperti sunyi sepi. Degupan jantung kuat sekali. Tangan kanan memegang stereng, tangan kiri menjamah tubuh Syafiqah. "Panas lagi," harap Siti walaupun menyedari tiada apa yang bergerak di tubuh Syafiqah.
Mulut saya terkunci. Mata terasa panas. Bergenang air mata Siti tapi harapannya tidak pudar.
Saya memberhentikan kereta di lobi kecemasan. Hon dibunyikan bertalu-talu. Melihatkan reaksi awal kakitangan hospital ketika mereka mengangkat tubuh Syafiqah, jawapannya jelas dan pasti. Syafiqah sudah pergi meninggalkan kami. Ketika saya memimpin Nurin dari kawasan letak kereta, dan Siti sedang menemani Syafiqah, saya belum dimaklumkan secara
rasmi tentang kehilangan jantung hati kami itu. Namun berat sekali kaki diheret menaiki tangga. Saya mendukung Nurin sambil menciumnya: "Kakak dah tak ada Nurin."
Sebaik melangkah masuk hospital, saya nampak Siti sedang mengisi keterangan peribdi Syafiqah. Saya dengar hampir semua maklumat penting Syafiqah yang diberikannya salah. Siti menoleh ke arah saya, wajahnya tenang walaupun ketara pucat. Saya tidak perlu bertanya lagi. "Fiqah dah tak ada, bang," getar suaranya jelas. Berdepan jasad kaku Syafiqah, terlintas, bagaimana sewaktu tiga tahun saya menderita sakit misteri, terlantar di rumah, tidak mampu
bekerja, saya sering terhibur dengan celotehnya, gurau manjanya, malah puas terasa bila dia mengurut lenguh badan. Kerap dia teresak- esak menangis bila melihat saya mengerang kesakitan. Tapi, ya Allah, apabila dia menderita sakit, saya tiada di sisi, malah tidak pun sempat melayannya dengan baik, dan banyak janji tidak tertunai, walaupun sekadar nasi Ayamas yang selalu disebutnya. Air mata mula tumpah dan hingga kini, selepas seminggu, air mata itu belum mahu kering lagi. Al-Fatehah. - UM
Open Cholecystectomy or Open Chole (as described by the Dr.)
Friday Oct 14, 2005, 5 am... Join the family for Sahur, and as per advised by the hospital, 2 slices of bread with Milo. Wrote my "will" and told my wife where to find it if something goes wrong. Well, .... you don't really know what's going to happen, right?
10.50 am .... The Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital called, saying that they are ready to admit me "You can come now" "Now?" "Yeah, now" "Ok, gimme half-and-hour"
11.30 am ... Ampang Puteri, single-room number 5xx, just beside the VIP suite. Looking from the outside...;VIP Suite - nice-looking high-quality wood-door, Mine - looks more like an emergency exit door. Ha, ha. Wife, daughter and Ma were with me.
12.00 noon.... Dr Shuaib...Surgeon, kinda cool...
" Doc...minor surgery?"
" Nope...but not major...only not minor...Open chole...the stones are big.."
"Local anesthetic?"
" HUH!???, General.... Never done any open chole with local..."
"Just joking Doc"
" Doc, when do u think I could go for golf again? After raya ok?"
" You can just forget about it la, golfer melayu.... two months, minimum...but if you wanna try, go for it, then, Please, Puhleazzee, tell me if it doesn't hurt"
12.30 noon ... Lunch.
"Huh???? I'm not supposed to eat anything, supposed to be fasting...first becoz it's fasting month, 2nd becoz I'll going through the surgery at 3.30pm, today".
2:30 pm.... Solah Zohor, Solah Hajat, Yassin and Du'a...That's all I can do. The family were all there.
3.20 pm.... It's time to go to the OT. Nervous. Gave kisses to my kids, wife and ma. OT. Very cold, in fact TOO COLD. The anesthesian came in. ............ ZZZZZZZ
5.XX pm ... " Golfer Melayu!!!!! He's not responding!!"
" I can hear you...I just can't respond now, gimme some time la....very dizzy...and ..the pain is coming " - In my mind-.
5.50pm ... In my room.... In pain...Need pain- killers. Can't sleep, move, or do nothing the whole day. No food, only drip until the next day.... even then, only drinks. I wanna go home.
From Saturday - Monday, 2 doctors came by to do the post-review, Dr Shuib(Surgeon) and Dr Mazlam(the Original Specialist), and 1 exchange doctor came in Sunday for Dr Mazlam. Same q's by both, same answers from me. The BILL???? Let's just say that the "Hari-Raya" celebration will not be as planned .... and neither does the SUV. ARGHH!!!!!!
10.50 am .... The Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital called, saying that they are ready to admit me "You can come now" "Now?" "Yeah, now" "Ok, gimme half-and-hour"
11.30 am ... Ampang Puteri, single-room number 5xx, just beside the VIP suite. Looking from the outside...;VIP Suite - nice-looking high-quality wood-door, Mine - looks more like an emergency exit door. Ha, ha. Wife, daughter and Ma were with me.
12.00 noon.... Dr Shuaib...Surgeon, kinda cool...
" Doc...minor surgery?"
" Nope...but not major...only not minor...Open chole...the stones are big.."
"Local anesthetic?"
" HUH!???, General.... Never done any open chole with local..."
"Just joking Doc"
" Doc, when do u think I could go for golf again? After raya ok?"
" You can just forget about it la, golfer melayu.... two months, minimum...but if you wanna try, go for it, then, Please, Puhleazzee, tell me if it doesn't hurt"
12.30 noon ... Lunch.
"Huh???? I'm not supposed to eat anything, supposed to be fasting...first becoz it's fasting month, 2nd becoz I'll going through the surgery at 3.30pm, today".
2:30 pm.... Solah Zohor, Solah Hajat, Yassin and Du'a...That's all I can do. The family were all there.
3.20 pm.... It's time to go to the OT. Nervous. Gave kisses to my kids, wife and ma. OT. Very cold, in fact TOO COLD. The anesthesian came in. ............ ZZZZZZZ
5.XX pm ... " Golfer Melayu!!!!! He's not responding!!"
" I can hear you...I just can't respond now, gimme some time la....very dizzy...and ..the pain is coming " - In my mind-.
5.50pm ... In my room.... In pain...Need pain- killers. Can't sleep, move, or do nothing the whole day. No food, only drip until the next day.... even then, only drinks. I wanna go home.
From Saturday - Monday, 2 doctors came by to do the post-review, Dr Shuib(Surgeon) and Dr Mazlam(the Original Specialist), and 1 exchange doctor came in Sunday for Dr Mazlam. Same q's by both, same answers from me. The BILL???? Let's just say that the "Hari-Raya" celebration will not be as planned .... and neither does the SUV. ARGHH!!!!!!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I'm in pain!!!!!!
2 am last night. I was in pain. Excrutiating pain. It was bad. I felt it just below the right sternum. I thought it was gas. The 2nd attack within two weeks. I went down stairs, took some ENO. The pain did not stop, it became worst. I can't sleep.
4.30 am, right after sahur....pain continues. Can't stand it no more. Asked my wife to take me to the clinic. The general doctor did his check-up on me. Don't think he knows what's wrong with me.
"I can gives you a jab, pain killer je, if you can't stand the pain...and I'm giving you a referral letter to the Ampang Puteri specialist, Dr Mazlam"
"Just do it, Doc....gua tengah sakit ni".
8.50 am . Ampang Puteri. The specialist was not in yet. His assistance asked me to go for a blood test and the ultrasound abdomen test. My wife was with me during the ultrasound abdomen test.
"It is boy or a girl??? kah,kah"
They found gallstones at the neck of the gallbladder, the largest measures about 2cm in diameter.
10.50am. Dr Mazlam turn to check my condition. Nice guy. He wanted to do "SCOPING", just to be very sure . Scoping? "I'll be looking into your internal using a microscopic video camera"
11.30am....kena la buka puasa...chisss..tak best nyer. They need to get me to "sleep" for the scoping procedure. Into my vein....zzzzzzzzzz.
1:30pm... my wife woke me up. Still very dizzy. The nurse asked me to go get something to eat.
3.00 pm.. Dr Mazlam office. " Red-cells ok, white cells ok, cholesterol ok, blood pressure ok, heart ok, liver ok, gallbladder not ok....suggest to go for surgery...when do you wanna do it?
"Ok, I'll admit you"
"What???? today??? Can it be tomorrow?"
4.30pm. Payment counter. RM1,456.94. ARGHHHH!!!!!!!! This is going to cost me BIGGG. With the surgery and all...easily RM7K. Help!!!!! The pain is coming back.
Something about Gallstones in Gallbladder (All info from the Internet)
1) Symtoms
When the symptoms of gallstones occur they are often called an "attack" because they occur suddenly. The typical gallstone attack includes:
Gallstone attacks often follow fatty meals, and they may occur during the night.
Other symptoms of gallstones include:
People can live without a gallbladder, and the most common treatment for gallstone problems is surgical removal of the gallbladder, known as cholecystectomy (pronounced co-lee-sist-ect-omy). There are several surgical options:
These operations are generally safe, and for most people the benefits are greater than the disadvantages. However, all surgery does carry some risk. The most common complication in gallbladder surgery is damage to the bile ducts, which may require additional surgery.
4.30 am, right after sahur....pain continues. Can't stand it no more. Asked my wife to take me to the clinic. The general doctor did his check-up on me. Don't think he knows what's wrong with me.
"I can gives you a jab, pain killer je, if you can't stand the pain...and I'm giving you a referral letter to the Ampang Puteri specialist, Dr Mazlam"
"Just do it, Doc....gua tengah sakit ni".
8.50 am . Ampang Puteri. The specialist was not in yet. His assistance asked me to go for a blood test and the ultrasound abdomen test. My wife was with me during the ultrasound abdomen test.
"It is boy or a girl??? kah,kah"
They found gallstones at the neck of the gallbladder, the largest measures about 2cm in diameter.
10.50am. Dr Mazlam turn to check my condition. Nice guy. He wanted to do "SCOPING", just to be very sure . Scoping? "I'll be looking into your internal using a microscopic video camera"
11.30am....kena la buka puasa...chisss..tak best nyer. They need to get me to "sleep" for the scoping procedure. Into my vein....zzzzzzzzzz.
1:30pm... my wife woke me up. Still very dizzy. The nurse asked me to go get something to eat.
3.00 pm.. Dr Mazlam office. " Red-cells ok, white cells ok, cholesterol ok, blood pressure ok, heart ok, liver ok, gallbladder not ok....suggest to go for surgery...when do you wanna do it?
"Ok, I'll admit you"
"What???? today??? Can it be tomorrow?"
4.30pm. Payment counter. RM1,456.94. ARGHHHH!!!!!!!! This is going to cost me BIGGG. With the surgery and all...easily RM7K. Help!!!!! The pain is coming back.
Something about Gallstones in Gallbladder (All info from the Internet)
1) Symtoms
When the symptoms of gallstones occur they are often called an "attack" because they occur suddenly. The typical gallstone attack includes:
- Steady, severe pain in the upper abdomen that increases rapidly and lasts from 30 minutes to several hours.
- Pain in the back between the shoulder blades.
- Pain under the right shoulder.
- Nausea or vomiting.
Gallstone attacks often follow fatty meals, and they may occur during the night.
Other symptoms of gallstones include:
- Abdominal bloating.
- Recurring intolerance of fatty foods.
- Colic.
- Belching.
- Gas.
- Indigestion
People can live without a gallbladder, and the most common treatment for gallstone problems is surgical removal of the gallbladder, known as cholecystectomy (pronounced co-lee-sist-ect-omy). There are several surgical options:
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (keyhole gallbladder removal). This is the most common treatment. After a general anaesthetic, a number of tiny cuts, usually four, are made in the abdomen, through which surgical instruments and a miniature video camera are inserted. The gallbladder is removed without cutting through any abdominal muscles, and if necessary, ERCP (see above) can be used to locate and remove stones in the bile duct.
- Open surgery. Sometimes, keyhole surgery is not possible and an "open" cholecystectomy is necessary. This involves the removal of the gallbladder under general anaesthetic through a larger cut in the abdomen.
These operations are generally safe, and for most people the benefits are greater than the disadvantages. However, all surgery does carry some risk. The most common complication in gallbladder surgery is damage to the bile ducts, which may require additional surgery.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
-tive ion
"Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy."
While waiting for "buka puasa" yesterday, I wondered off into ISETAN... sport-section ... golf, to be exact. I was not planning to buy anything. Just wanna do a bit of putting on the putting-mat. While I was there, there was this promotion of "Negative ion generator" stuff, Made in Japan...from bracelet to necklace to back-pack. Nowdays, it really takes a me a longer period of time to get my energy back after a round of golf and this -ve ion stuff claims that it will relief strain and pain faster.
"Abang..nak try, bang?"
" Saya tak sakit tangan, yang sengal-sengal tengkuk saya"
" Ha!!!, abang pakai rantai ni, pas tiga hari sure dah tak sakit punyer"
Aiyo...can't wear necklace no more.. I'm no longer the "mat rock" of yesteryear..with my long hair, necklace, bracelet and earing. In the end, I decided to buy a bracelet ... and being me, I bought a -ve ion bracelet that looks a bit different than the others. If it works, than my golf game will certainly be better, if not, it can be just another fashion accessories.
While waiting for "buka puasa" yesterday, I wondered off into ISETAN... sport-section ... golf, to be exact. I was not planning to buy anything. Just wanna do a bit of putting on the putting-mat. While I was there, there was this promotion of "Negative ion generator" stuff, Made in Japan...from bracelet to necklace to back-pack. Nowdays, it really takes a me a longer period of time to get my energy back after a round of golf and this -ve ion stuff claims that it will relief strain and pain faster.
"Abang..nak try, bang?"
" Saya tak sakit tangan, yang sengal-sengal tengkuk saya"
" Ha!!!, abang pakai rantai ni, pas tiga hari sure dah tak sakit punyer"
Aiyo...can't wear necklace no more.. I'm no longer the "mat rock" of yesteryear..with my long hair, necklace, bracelet and earing. In the end, I decided to buy a bracelet ... and being me, I bought a -ve ion bracelet that looks a bit different than the others. If it works, than my golf game will certainly be better, if not, it can be just another fashion accessories.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
I'll be spending my "buka puasa" time with my customer tonite
Today, I'll be having my "buka puasa" with my PREMIER CUSTOMER at Biba's Cafe, Mandarin Oriental,KLCC. Booked 30 seats. Good thing about the place, easy parking...easy to get out...less jam ... and if I'm early , bole lepak-lepak kat Kinokuniya. Check-out Biba's Cafe website. looks good, looks REALLY goood. At RM75 per person, it better be.....
I'll miss my "buka puasa" with the family tonite and another thing,... I would have to do my tarawikh, alone, at home tonite. Sucks....
I'll miss my "buka puasa" with the family tonite and another thing,... I would have to do my tarawikh, alone, at home tonite. Sucks....
Monday, October 10, 2005

OVERKILL....PORSHE Cayenne....Hey!!!, if i'm gettin this, my wife might think that I'm going through mid-life crisis and will try to get another ehem,ehem... As what my kid told my wife about a malay-telemovie last friday..... "Citer kelakar tu pasal bapak dia trick mak dia...kata nak gi golf tournament kat Melaka..padahal dia kahwin satu lagi!!!!!!!!!"
Don't worry la wife3d...I'm not like that one-laa...I'm no womanizer...I'm just a golfer.

Tiger Woods ; World Golf Championship and Kimi Raikkonen;F1
Been a good week for sports, especially for the fans of Tiger Woods and Kimi Raikkonen. Both of them won from behind. Kimi started 17th on the grid. Tiger was 3 strokes behind the leader, John Daly. Both needed some last minute grit to win their event. Kimi on the last lap, while Tiger on the last 3 holes....and then went on to win on the second-playoff hole. Tiger has won 11 outta 20 WGC events that he has participated in. That's more than 50%!!!!!
Been up the whole night to catch this event. Now...... I'm very sleepy...... plus hungry ...... zzzzzzzzz.......zzzzzzz.....zzzzzz... ....KFC for "buka puasa".....
Been up the whole night to catch this event. Now...... I'm very sleepy...... plus hungry ...... zzzzzzzzz.......zzzzzzz.....zzzzzz... ....KFC for "buka puasa".....
Friday, October 07, 2005
An email from a customer
Early in the morning, I received a nasty e-mail from my customer, Mr HM. I guess sometime the customer needs some excuses for an internal failure??? I was quite pissed and upset with the email, especially when it touches our "circle of concern" , which in a way, is their "circle of influence". Not wanting to sound pissed in an email, I called Mr HM on the phone.
"H, what's this all about??? I'm sure you know that most of the stuff written in the mail is not true....bla,bla,bla,#$$$%,***"
"Golfer Melayu..relax, bro....ok..ok...I'll write another email to straighten things out"
"Ok H"
A few minutes later, H sent another e mail;
"Our conversation just now refers.
Thank you for highlighting your points, we appreciate it and take note. On our part, we will address some of issues that contributed to the delay of problem resolution."
Mr HM, Thanks Bro. My apology if I'm a bit harsh, ....but you got to do what you gotta do, man. This is what I call professionalism. I'll see you for "buka puasa" next week.
"H, what's this all about??? I'm sure you know that most of the stuff written in the mail is not true....bla,bla,bla,#$$$%,***"
"Golfer Melayu..relax, bro....ok..ok...I'll write another email to straighten things out"
"Ok H"
A few minutes later, H sent another e mail;
"Our conversation just now refers.
Thank you for highlighting your points, we appreciate it and take note. On our part, we will address some of issues that contributed to the delay of problem resolution."
Mr HM, Thanks Bro. My apology if I'm a bit harsh, ....but you got to do what you gotta do, man. This is what I call professionalism. I'll see you for "buka puasa" next week.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Pasar Juadah Taman Melawati 2005
Tengok harga tak de la naik sangat. Kuih still 3 seringgit. Tauhu Anura naik from Rm1.00 ke RM1.20. Murtabak Kg Pandan still Rm1.50/sekeping. Ikan terubuk bakar; RM 10/seekor. Cuma saiz dia ada sikit kecik la. Still not to bad. Semalam was my first day at the Pasar Juadah. Mak datuk, jam gila...bukan saja nak cari parking, kat pasar juadah pun jam ngan orang ramai.... Tapi semalam "berbuka" memang best. Tak tau sebab apa, tapi memang la "best". Everything tasted soooo good. From the "sour-sop" juice to the murtabak to the tauhu sumbat to the ikan bakar to the rendang limpa and daging. Excellentto. I'm still smoking. Around 3 cigarettes, after berbuka... and 1 cigarette after sahur. Getting there....
Some good news....managed to convince Mr YKS to attend the briefing in Jakarta , next monday, so, .......I don't really have to go to Jakarta next week. Yee Haa!!!!
Some bad news... my friend , HH, can only pay 20% of the 20% that he has agreed to pay initially. Everything's done and delivered. Sometime it's just difficult to do business with friends. Maybe after this, we'll just play golf together, no business among friends la. Hampeh.
Some good news....managed to convince Mr YKS to attend the briefing in Jakarta , next monday, so, .......I don't really have to go to Jakarta next week. Yee Haa!!!!
Some bad news... my friend , HH, can only pay 20% of the 20% that he has agreed to pay initially. Everything's done and delivered. Sometime it's just difficult to do business with friends. Maybe after this, we'll just play golf together, no business among friends la. Hampeh.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
My thoughts....
We were shorlisted for the Indonesian job. There will be a briefing session at the prospect office to the two shortlisted vendors on the 10th of October. The Proof Of Concept is schedule to go life by October 24th, for a week. I hate travelling during "Ramadhan", ....but it looks like I've got to do quite a bit of that this year.
We will be doing two "buka puasa" for our customers. One will be on the 11th of October, the other will probably be on the 18th of October. Again, I don't really fancy doing the "buka puasa" at a hotel/restaurant. It just feels good to do it at home, might not be home-cooking though,...with the family, and then going to the mosque together for Isya' and Terawikh. Anyway, still gotta do the 'buka puasa" thinggy. The list of the "buka puasa" places, to be chosen from....
1) Mandarin Oriental Hotel
2) Nikko Hotel
3) Crown Princess Hotel
4) Restoran Seri Melayu
5) Corus Hotel
6) Prince Hotel (opposite Seri Melayu)
7) Hotel Maya (Jln Ampang - opposite BSN)
8) Saloma Bistro
9) Rennaisance/New World Hotel
10) EDEN Restaurant (Jln Raja Chulan-new building behind Seri Melayu)
11) KL Convention Centre
I think I'll go for KL Convention Centre and EDEN.
Kak Pidah... did a marvelous job answering the MPs on the AP issues. I guess the other MPs, especially the one that comes from the government la, can only talk behind her back, or "boo-ed" the lady while she's giving her speech....given the chance to drill her in parliment, everybody became tight-lipped. Kah,kah,kah. The lady really knows her economics and facts, the rest of the MPs are just like "toads". I wonder what her mentor , which was involved with war of words with her, about the same issue, thought of the other MPs. Hmmmm....
Michelle Wie .... teenage golf prodigy/phenom is set to turn professional this 16!!!! with endorsement deals with NIKE and SONY worth US$ 10 million per year!!!!! wooii yooo.
Golfer Melayu......No endorsement, no to buy everything using mah own pocket monay!!!!! but next month, at PTGC.... 21st Nov to 24st Nov, a 4 day tournament, 72 holes stroke-play, cut-off on the 2nd day, after 36-holes play .... Malaysian Amateur Closed 2005 ... handicap 12 and under... will join.
We will be doing two "buka puasa" for our customers. One will be on the 11th of October, the other will probably be on the 18th of October. Again, I don't really fancy doing the "buka puasa" at a hotel/restaurant. It just feels good to do it at home, might not be home-cooking though,...with the family, and then going to the mosque together for Isya' and Terawikh. Anyway, still gotta do the 'buka puasa" thinggy. The list of the "buka puasa" places, to be chosen from....
1) Mandarin Oriental Hotel
2) Nikko Hotel
3) Crown Princess Hotel
4) Restoran Seri Melayu
5) Corus Hotel
6) Prince Hotel (opposite Seri Melayu)
7) Hotel Maya (Jln Ampang - opposite BSN)
8) Saloma Bistro
9) Rennaisance/New World Hotel
10) EDEN Restaurant (Jln Raja Chulan-new building behind Seri Melayu)
11) KL Convention Centre
I think I'll go for KL Convention Centre and EDEN.
Kak Pidah... did a marvelous job answering the MPs on the AP issues. I guess the other MPs, especially the one that comes from the government la, can only talk behind her back, or "boo-ed" the lady while she's giving her speech....given the chance to drill her in parliment, everybody became tight-lipped. Kah,kah,kah. The lady really knows her economics and facts, the rest of the MPs are just like "toads". I wonder what her mentor , which was involved with war of words with her, about the same issue, thought of the other MPs. Hmmmm....
Michelle Wie .... teenage golf prodigy/phenom is set to turn professional this 16!!!! with endorsement deals with NIKE and SONY worth US$ 10 million per year!!!!! wooii yooo.
Golfer Melayu......No endorsement, no to buy everything using mah own pocket monay!!!!! but next month, at PTGC.... 21st Nov to 24st Nov, a 4 day tournament, 72 holes stroke-play, cut-off on the 2nd day, after 36-holes play .... Malaysian Amateur Closed 2005 ... handicap 12 and under... will join.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Corporate Lessons : from the internet
Corporate lesson 1
A crow is sitting on a tree doing nothing all day long. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, " Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?". The crow answered: "Sure, why not." So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested.
All of a sudden, a fox appeared . Jump at the rabbit and ....ate it.
Moral of the story:
To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.
Corporate lesson 2
I would love to be able to get to the top of the tree, " sighed the turkey, " but I haven't had the energy."
"Why don't you nibble on my droppings? They're packed with nutrients." replied the bull.
After a fortnight, the turkey found that the dung really gave him enough strength to reach the top of the tree. Soon , he was spotted by a farmer and shot out of the tree.
Moral of the story:
Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.
Corporate lesson 3
A bird was flying south for the winter. It was cold, the bird froze, and fell to the ground. While it was lying there, a cow came and dropped some dung on it. As the frozen bird lay there in the cow shit, it began to realize how warm it was. He lay there all warm and happy and began to sing for joy.
A cat heard the singing, discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, promptly dug him out and ate him.
Moral of the story
1) Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy.
2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
3) And when you're in deep shit, keep your mouth shut.
A crow is sitting on a tree doing nothing all day long. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, " Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?". The crow answered: "Sure, why not." So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested.
All of a sudden, a fox appeared . Jump at the rabbit and ....ate it.
Moral of the story:
To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.
Corporate lesson 2
I would love to be able to get to the top of the tree, " sighed the turkey, " but I haven't had the energy."
"Why don't you nibble on my droppings? They're packed with nutrients." replied the bull.
After a fortnight, the turkey found that the dung really gave him enough strength to reach the top of the tree. Soon , he was spotted by a farmer and shot out of the tree.
Moral of the story:
Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.
Corporate lesson 3
A bird was flying south for the winter. It was cold, the bird froze, and fell to the ground. While it was lying there, a cow came and dropped some dung on it. As the frozen bird lay there in the cow shit, it began to realize how warm it was. He lay there all warm and happy and began to sing for joy.
A cat heard the singing, discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, promptly dug him out and ate him.
Moral of the story
1) Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy.
2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
3) And when you're in deep shit, keep your mouth shut.
Ramadhan Al-Mubarrak
Musim Puasa datang kembali. Alhamdullilah. Insyaallah, malam ni akan start sembahyang sunat Tarawikh. Insyaalah gak, malam ni, my wife will join me for tarawikh at the mosque. Dedulu anak kecik-kecik, sekarang bole tinggal la. I hope to quit smoking within this month. Harga rokok naik lagi. Maybe by quiting, my golf will get better. As for golf, seperti biasa, kena rest gak selama sebulan. Plan to play again on the 5th day of Raya. So, PTGC....see u after Raya, Insyaallah.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Golf Prizes
My golf-prizes are getting more and more interesting. There was the matching luxury comforter and bedsheet. Kingsize. Won the prize at the Peransang Masters. Then, yesterday, at the alumni golf tourney, I won this;
Built-in Hob
( PGH - 502N )
+ Inner : 668 x 403 x 92.5 mm
+ 2 burners with glass top
+ durable trivet
+ Accurate ignition system
+ Low gas comsumption
+ LPG use
Nice, ....but I need to build a special cabinet for the build-in Hob. Same as the Comforter. Nice...but I need to buy a new KING SIZE bed, ...I only have QUEEN-size bed at home. Why can't they just get simple things like a TV or a new DRIVER as prizes??? Duhhhh.....
Built-in Hob
( PGH - 502N )
+ Inner : 668 x 403 x 92.5 mm
+ 2 burners with glass top
+ durable trivet
+ Accurate ignition system
+ Low gas comsumption
+ LPG use
Nice, ....but I need to build a special cabinet for the build-in Hob. Same as the Comforter. Nice...but I need to buy a new KING SIZE bed, ...I only have QUEEN-size bed at home. Why can't they just get simple things like a TV or a new DRIVER as prizes??? Duhhhh.....
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