I sent an article from http://maverickysm.blogspot.com/
to my OM (Uncle la), a renown and sought after HR and Organisional Development consultant/mentor/coach; The article talks about MUST; which was established in 2002 by the government with the aim of boosting Malaysia's R&D capacity and who boasted to have strategic partnership and participation of world renown Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is gone down under. OM used to hold a VP position at the U; ......
Here's his comment:
What can I say that would not sound defensive......
Truth of the matter is that, we (The Chairman, the President of the University and 2 VPs), gave up on the government machinery when we were given the task to set this University up. We did not give up on the government or its specific leaders - Mahathir was PM then- we gave up on the system. I was the first to give up, tak tahan, not getting anywhere.
The government machinery - from the Ministry of Science (MOSTE), to the MInistry of Higher Education and the Jabatan Pendidikan, the Treasury and the PM's Dept - the people we were in contact with, were never really keen on the idea for this Research University to be set up.
How come? Despite a collaboration with the best research university in the world (that is not a biased statement even if it comes from an alumni), this initiative was doomed from the start because no politician of 'power' (it was only an initiative of Mahathir, after that he was not in the picture) was involved, only hardworking, non-partisan and committed Malays from MCKK
(sorry....but that's the truth, other people do not want the job...susah buat University cara baru...research-based, post-graduate).
Personally, as the VP Operations, I was front-line to face the absurd bureaucratic shenanigans of our own Malay civil servants who somehow have the impression that this project is either too elitist or too dream-like or just plain boring.....or not 'beneficial' to them.
I am tempted to write a long treatise on what those shortcoimngs were, or how the University failed, people would brand me as protecting my backside, but suffice to sum it as...
If there is one disappointment of the Malay Administrators (I do not want to use the Govt, for then people would straight away point to the PM) that I'd like to pinpoint and highlight, it is THIS failure to build upon an opportunity that was served on a platter to help propel Malays, and Malaysia, in the area of scientific reasearch and breakthroughs. This failure should rank high as a major failure of the Malays who have been trusted to manage the development process, higher than the failure of the Bahasa Baku and.....
We were willing to spend millions to establish the MSC etc etc and go out of our way to launch grandiose projects that have short shelf life - bio-valley? E-village? We set-up VERY expensive universities like Unisel and all those University Colleges, which are just factories to produce degrees.
Yet MUST, have to beg, borrow, and almost steal, to make the University work, to make the PM's project work - to get permits for our lecturers, wasn't even allowed to collect for our Trust Fund, denied research grants simply because we are not a public university, or they could not understand the projects and/or refuse to think.......list goes on.
To my next generation, children, nephews, nieces and cucus reading this, if you are in a position to impact on the implementation of projects or work in areas to benefit the long term development of our people and country, work sincerely. Do more than expected, ikhlas, and please do not make decisions based on what is normal, or procedural. Take pains to understand the bigger picture, ask relevant questions and listen...yes .....listen, those guys I was dealing with do not know how to listen, do not want to listen, only want to show their power. They are selfish, and sombong tak tentu arah.
Also just because something is difficult, do not give up or be scared. I've personally seen Malays with 1st Class Honours who refuse to study at MUST because it is in English, because we require strong mathematics and research with MIT is tough. Hey, we even pay you to study at MUST
Maaf, Om nak cakap kasar sikit..... budak Melayu tak de telor, hanya nak senang...."Buat Masters and PhD kat UPM kan senang, nak pass pun senang, tak payah buat research susah susah..." this is an exact quote from a Malay UKM graduate! Malu, it was told in front of my Chinese Professor!
Akhirnya, yang rugi orang Melayu sendiri. Jangan salahkan orang Cina, India, Bangla, Indonesia, Filipina, orang kita sendiri yang melemahkan bangsa kita. Kita, nampak gayanya, lebih senang bercakap, tapi bila suruh buat, tak nak, kerja kita, kita suruh orang lain buat, lepas tu komen.....
Masya'Allah.....insaflah, jangan asyik marahkan orang.... Dollah Badawi lembab lah, Najib tak betul lah, orang tu tak betul lah, tapi ambil langkah nak bantu, nak tolong....haram!
Having said all that, jangan terlalu senang mengutuk bangsa kita sendiri, meludah kelangit nanti........ tampar air dalam dulang kena..........
Bikin mesti serupa cakap ye....diam ubi berisi, tak nampak megah, tapi masih bolih berbakti
Salam Ikhlas
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
My Friend Datuk JA @ML...The next MB?
Persidangan UMNO baru je lepas. Berdegar-degar perwakilan bercakap tentang loyalty to the President and pasal ketuanan Melayu. For me, I'm happy to see my x-room-mate making a wave in the persidangan. Ketua Pemuda kat negeri yang berlatar belakang kan orang minang. By the way, aku orang minang gak. He spoke about not putting any timeline in achieving the 30% Malay equity. He, he ada Karisma gak kawan aku sorang ni.
Hari ni gua sent an SMS to him " Assalamu'alaikum Datuk ML; lps persidangan ni gua nampak lu ada kaliber bakal jadi MB la, Insyaallah, nanti bila jadi MB, jangan lupa member lama ok.."
Within minutes, he replied " Bahaya ayat ni bro! Klau ada org dngar, tak elok, kecik ati yg skrg ... org lain lain lbih baik drpd aku. Aku tak ada cita2 tinggi dlm politik. Hanya berkhidmat mana yg bole. Nanti free kita jumpa and borak panjang"
Way to Go, Bro!!!!! I'm proud of you.
Hari ni gua sent an SMS to him " Assalamu'alaikum Datuk ML; lps persidangan ni gua nampak lu ada kaliber bakal jadi MB la, Insyaallah, nanti bila jadi MB, jangan lupa member lama ok.."
Within minutes, he replied " Bahaya ayat ni bro! Klau ada org dngar, tak elok, kecik ati yg skrg ... org lain lain lbih baik drpd aku. Aku tak ada cita2 tinggi dlm politik. Hanya berkhidmat mana yg bole. Nanti free kita jumpa and borak panjang"
Way to Go, Bro!!!!! I'm proud of you.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Idul Fitri Datang Kembali
Insyaallah, besok sambut raya. Raya tahun ni kat rumah omak di Taman Pelangi. Coincide plak raya ni ngan Birthday Omak...ni kira baguih ni. Malam ni nak gak pergi takbir rumah ke rumah. Bebudak belum apa-apa dah dapat duit raya. Si ZAB, boss wife gua dah kasi duit raya ke budak-budak. Banyak plak tu...RM50/each. Ishhhh...ni lagi banyak dari apa yang gua nak kasi.
Raya tahun ni banyak pakai duit ooooo. Tapi tak pa, duit bole di cari. So, Selamat Hari Raya..Maaf Dzhahir and Bathin.. Be Safe.. Drive Safe... Jumaat ni kita main golf balik...
Raya tahun ni banyak pakai duit ooooo. Tapi tak pa, duit bole di cari. So, Selamat Hari Raya..Maaf Dzhahir and Bathin.. Be Safe.. Drive Safe... Jumaat ni kita main golf balik...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Best Raya Card...from my kid, ...with RM1 as my duit raya... Thank you Fatin..I love u too!!!
To The best Abah in the world; pasal bawak Fatin ke tempat best-best (on the envelope)
To: Abah
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir dan Bathin
Abah, sorilah kalau Fatin ada melawan cakap abah, buat silap, sakitkan hati abah..ok
ok. I Love U Soooooooooooooo Much
Sampai Sini ajalah Fatin Cakap
Dengan ingatan tulus Ikhlas
Nanti Fatin Kasi Duit Raya untuk Abah OK..
To: Abah
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir dan Bathin
Abah, sorilah kalau Fatin ada melawan cakap abah, buat silap, sakitkan hati abah..ok
ok. I Love U Soooooooooooooo Much
Sampai Sini ajalah Fatin Cakap
Dengan ingatan tulus Ikhlas
Nanti Fatin Kasi Duit Raya untuk Abah OK..
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Moron=Dumb ass ???
Today...Front Page; NST;
Datuk Muhammad Abdul Ghani shovelled all the blame for the AP-clone scandal on his son.
Disbelief then turned to the bizarre when the senator ticked off his son Mohd Zulaimi for being a novice at cheating.
"He (his son) is not clever at doing it ... to be a fraudster you need skills. Fraudsters should always be a notch above their victims. If one were smart, one wouldn’t clone all the APs in a week. There should at least be a three-month interval.
"He didn’t learn from me or I could have given him some tips," he said, in the presence of the Customs director of prevention Mohamed Adnan Ariffin.
Q: Are you disappointed in your son?
A: As a father, of course I am disappointed. As a leader, I must put the nation ahead of my son. I have taken over the running of the company since this year. Now, after six years, I have again started signing the APs.
Q: Did you at any time notice the stock of cars exceeding your number of APs? A: Never. It is always below the AP number. To sell 500 cars is not easy.
For us quota holders, cloned APs are not lucrative as the process to clone APs alone is RM15,000, since it involves many parties.
I almost cry .... of laughter... What a dickhead!!!
Datuk Muhammad Abdul Ghani shovelled all the blame for the AP-clone scandal on his son.
Disbelief then turned to the bizarre when the senator ticked off his son Mohd Zulaimi for being a novice at cheating.
"He (his son) is not clever at doing it ... to be a fraudster you need skills. Fraudsters should always be a notch above their victims. If one were smart, one wouldn’t clone all the APs in a week. There should at least be a three-month interval.
"He didn’t learn from me or I could have given him some tips," he said, in the presence of the Customs director of prevention Mohamed Adnan Ariffin.
Q: Are you disappointed in your son?
A: As a father, of course I am disappointed. As a leader, I must put the nation ahead of my son. I have taken over the running of the company since this year. Now, after six years, I have again started signing the APs.
Q: Did you at any time notice the stock of cars exceeding your number of APs? A: Never. It is always below the AP number. To sell 500 cars is not easy.
For us quota holders, cloned APs are not lucrative as the process to clone APs alone is RM15,000, since it involves many parties.
I almost cry .... of laughter... What a dickhead!!!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
YAY, The Brabus Guy...Bila la member gua ni nak dapat Dato'ship ni....
"YAY, I heard you're looking for a competent CEO to head the Cambodia office? "
"Yup, Golfer Melayu, you wanna the job?"
" Nope...first becoz I would have to report to you..my ego problemla , you know..2nd ..Cambodia??? aiyaa..tak dak golf course le kat sana..kalau kat Thailand ke Jakarta ke or Australia..Sure ok punyer..he,he"
Citer ini hanya rekaan sahaja, but YAY is REALLY searching for a CEO to head the Cambodia office.
"Yup, Golfer Melayu, you wanna the job?"
" Nope...first becoz I would have to report to you..my ego problemla , you know..2nd ..Cambodia??? aiyaa..tak dak golf course le kat sana..kalau kat Thailand ke Jakarta ke or Australia..Sure ok punyer..he,he"
Citer ini hanya rekaan sahaja, but YAY is REALLY searching for a CEO to head the Cambodia office.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
"Golfer Melayu...Buat apa lu kerja ngan mika?...mengkayakan bangsa tu aje..Baik la lu join gua..kita buat duit sama-sama; at least kita satu bangsa" ..One of my friend; asking me to join force with him doing business and at the same time trying to make me feel bad on the fact that my partners and employer are from a different race.
A few days ago; a lot of bru-ha-ha when Lee Kuan Yew talks about the Malaysian Chinese being marginalised in Malaysia. APOLOGIZE!!!!! or we will do something...Malaysian politicians especially from UMNO.
"Kat sini kena main politik; kalu ko melayu, and nak naik...kena pandai-pandai la ; it's between us and them" .. facts of life in one of the Malaysian TELCO company that I used to work with.
When I was younger; before going to the US to further my studies...I need to learn and feeeeel the malay patriotic song .. "Anak Kecil Main Api"...
A few days ago; KJ ... " Give BUMI a chance in MSC...do not marginalise the Malays.."
Yup.. I've been brought up by a lot of racial innuendos all around.
But let's face it.. my fellow Malays, Chinese, Indians , Sikh, etc .....If you're stupid, or act stupid, race doesn't matter, people will still curse you like hell.
A few days ago; a lot of bru-ha-ha when Lee Kuan Yew talks about the Malaysian Chinese being marginalised in Malaysia. APOLOGIZE!!!!! or we will do something...Malaysian politicians especially from UMNO.
"Kat sini kena main politik; kalu ko melayu, and nak naik...kena pandai-pandai la ; it's between us and them" .. facts of life in one of the Malaysian TELCO company that I used to work with.
When I was younger; before going to the US to further my studies...I need to learn and feeeeel the malay patriotic song .. "Anak Kecil Main Api"...
A few days ago; KJ ... " Give BUMI a chance in MSC...do not marginalise the Malays.."
Yup.. I've been brought up by a lot of racial innuendos all around.
But let's face it.. my fellow Malays, Chinese, Indians , Sikh, etc .....If you're stupid, or act stupid, race doesn't matter, people will still curse you like hell.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Oii yoo...dah lama gua tak tulis apa-apa kat blog ni. Sibuk giler..wa cakap lu. Tapi sibuk2 tu pun, wa sempat gak pergi family day wife gua kat Awana Kijal. Main le dua rounds of golf kat situ. First day.. jalan;..score teramat memberansangkan.. 2nd day.. tournament..naik buggy. Wa menang best gross...tapi wa pun tak tau macam mana diaorang kira..sebab wa tak main that good that day.
Last golf before puasa was at Sri Selangor... Played very good... 2nd nine..3 birdies; with back-to-back birdies on the 17 and 18. Hari tu semua jadi...Drive; iron; short game and putting.
Puasa datang lagi. Dah seminggu kita puasa. Alhamdulillah. Harga barang bertambah naik. Average of about 30% le...eg..kalu dulu rega RM1.00/each sekarang rega dia RM1:30/each. Tapi nak salahkan penjual pun tak ble gak..minyak naik ..harga barang sumer naik. so, nak buat camner..diaorang pun nak buat duit gak.
Bulan Ramadhan..golf cuti. Dah seminggu tak pegang and swing kayu golop. Tadi baru tengok Tiger Woods menang WGC.. gian.. tapi tunggu aje la, maybe 3rd day of raya bole main balik...
Pas Raya nanti ada tournament " Ace of the Aces" Championship 2006..Palm Garden..Putrajaya. Will test power.
Last golf before puasa was at Sri Selangor... Played very good... 2nd nine..3 birdies; with back-to-back birdies on the 17 and 18. Hari tu semua jadi...Drive; iron; short game and putting.
Puasa datang lagi. Dah seminggu kita puasa. Alhamdulillah. Harga barang bertambah naik. Average of about 30% le...eg..kalu dulu rega RM1.00/each sekarang rega dia RM1:30/each. Tapi nak salahkan penjual pun tak ble gak..minyak naik ..harga barang sumer naik. so, nak buat camner..diaorang pun nak buat duit gak.
Bulan Ramadhan..golf cuti. Dah seminggu tak pegang and swing kayu golop. Tadi baru tengok Tiger Woods menang WGC.. gian.. tapi tunggu aje la, maybe 3rd day of raya bole main balik...
Pas Raya nanti ada tournament " Ace of the Aces" Championship 2006..Palm Garden..Putrajaya. Will test power.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
PTGC Captain's Trophy 13th August 2006
Scored 82. 11th placing. Gross. Not Bad...considering 120 people entered the tourney. Brought back a queen size comforter set... Sucks...
Next Tourney... 31st August .. Merdeka day tournament. 10th of September..PTGC President's Cup.
Next Tourney... 31st August .. Merdeka day tournament. 10th of September..PTGC President's Cup.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Rancamaya; Bogor Raya and Cengkareng...
Arrived in Jakarta on Saturday evening; stayed in Sari Pan Pacific @ Jalan Sudirman. Sunday Afternoon; we played at Rancamaya Golf and Country Club. 450 meters above sea-level. Nice club, superb golf course; difficult greens. Played decent golf. Wanna know more? http://www.rancamayaestate.com/
Monday morning; Bogor Raya. As usual the place is excellent. Played better. http://www.bogorlakeside.com/golf.html
Tuesday morning; Cengkareng Golf Club. 1st hole; Par 5;...looks easy; OB on the right; hit my 1st drive...went straight to the right...OB.. 1st hole..Sucks...gotta double bogey on that hole. Got par on hole no.2 and 3, birdie hole no.4, par again on hole 5 and 6, bogey hole 7 and 8 and finished with another birdie on hole no. 9. Scored 38 in. 2 over gross ; not bad. 2nd Nine; Par on hole 10 and 11, bogey hole 12, then 3 par in a row, hole 13 to 15, a stupid bogey on hole 16...missed a two footer putt.., par hole 17, and finished the course with another par. 38 out. Scored 76 Gross. 4 over. 6 under my handicap. 11 Pars and 2 birdies. Not Bad. YEE HAAA. Cewek2 nyer pun cun-cun...
Monday morning; Bogor Raya. As usual the place is excellent. Played better. http://www.bogorlakeside.com/golf.html
Tuesday morning; Cengkareng Golf Club. 1st hole; Par 5;...looks easy; OB on the right; hit my 1st drive...went straight to the right...OB.. 1st hole..Sucks...gotta double bogey on that hole. Got par on hole no.2 and 3, birdie hole no.4, par again on hole 5 and 6, bogey hole 7 and 8 and finished with another birdie on hole no. 9. Scored 38 in. 2 over gross ; not bad. 2nd Nine; Par on hole 10 and 11, bogey hole 12, then 3 par in a row, hole 13 to 15, a stupid bogey on hole 16...missed a two footer putt.., par hole 17, and finished the course with another par. 38 out. Scored 76 Gross. 4 over. 6 under my handicap. 11 Pars and 2 birdies. Not Bad. YEE HAAA. Cewek2 nyer pun cun-cun...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Off to Jakarta...
for work.....nahhh...golf, bro ,golf or better known as golop there. Will be there till Tuesday nextweek. Oii yoo...4 days of golf. Bisa pengsan Pak!!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Of ASTRO-Philip Masters, Negotiation, Phone Negotiation, British Open and Tiger Woods
Yesterday was busy..nope...let's go with hectic. I woke up early in the morning. Too early...like 5 am. I was to be at "Palm Garden Golf and Country Resort" by 7 am, for a 7:30am tee-off time.. ASTRO-Philip Masters golf tournament. Gotta be out of that place by 2pm.... 2:30pm; a tender negotiation with a customer. Told my guys to change the nego time from 10am to 4:30am a day before that ; but 2:30pm was the only slot. Shessh....
I played quite well. 9 pars with 2 birdies. Played to a handicaped of 8. That's was at 1pm. After a quick shower I went for a quick lunch...gotta stay for a while to see if I got any placing. At 1:50pm, I gotta chance to look at the results, "bodek" the tourney officials la. My name was not in the top 5 A-Medal. Yikes!!! All the other players must be very good with their golf swing or the only other explanation was they were good with their pencil. Knowing that my name was not anywhere in the prize-list, I sped off to my intended nego place. At 2:15pm, 15 minutes before the intended time, I got a call from the customer , postponing the meeting to 4:30PM. Double Suck...
Gotta spent almost 2 hours at the customer cafe. The nego went okay. No major problems. Got the deal... During that nego session, I kept missing phone calls from another customer... the phone was on silent mode.. Called back the other customer, and talked for about 45-minutes on the handphone..settled.
Later at night, I was there, watching TV, to see Tiger Woods, paired with Nick Faldo and Katayama for the 2006 British Open Golf Tourney. On the 1st hole, Tiger bogeyed....up to the 14th hole..Tiger was 2 under; not that impressive considering the leader was at 6 under.. it was late..around 1:30am..3 holes to go; don't believe Tiger was "in-the zone"; turned off the TV, and then went to have some zzzzz...
Woke up..check the internet..and on the last 3-holes, Tiger made 3 under..birdie, par, eagle. Damn, I missed that!!!!
I played quite well. 9 pars with 2 birdies. Played to a handicaped of 8. That's was at 1pm. After a quick shower I went for a quick lunch...gotta stay for a while to see if I got any placing. At 1:50pm, I gotta chance to look at the results, "bodek" the tourney officials la. My name was not in the top 5 A-Medal. Yikes!!! All the other players must be very good with their golf swing or the only other explanation was they were good with their pencil. Knowing that my name was not anywhere in the prize-list, I sped off to my intended nego place. At 2:15pm, 15 minutes before the intended time, I got a call from the customer , postponing the meeting to 4:30PM. Double Suck...
Gotta spent almost 2 hours at the customer cafe. The nego went okay. No major problems. Got the deal... During that nego session, I kept missing phone calls from another customer... the phone was on silent mode.. Called back the other customer, and talked for about 45-minutes on the handphone..settled.
Later at night, I was there, watching TV, to see Tiger Woods, paired with Nick Faldo and Katayama for the 2006 British Open Golf Tourney. On the 1st hole, Tiger bogeyed....up to the 14th hole..Tiger was 2 under; not that impressive considering the leader was at 6 under.. it was late..around 1:30am..3 holes to go; don't believe Tiger was "in-the zone"; turned off the TV, and then went to have some zzzzz...
Woke up..check the internet..and on the last 3-holes, Tiger made 3 under..birdie, par, eagle. Damn, I missed that!!!!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
PTGC annual golf championship 2006
Two days tournament. Stroke play. Saturday and Sunday. 1st day I played quite well; 1 under my handicap. I was just infront the championship flight on the 2nd day. Played with two of the slowest golfers that I've ever played in my entire golf life. Hampeh!!! It was hot, humid, and the worse was waiting 2-3 minutes everytime this two golfers were to hit the ball...come to putting, it's worse. Our flight were so slow that the flight infront "zoom" 2 holes past us. In the end, I did okay..but can be better. No excuses though. Got 8th placing on Gross score. Did not win but at least I played under the gross category not net;... that itself was an achievement.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Tanjung Puteri Resort, Pasir Gudang, Johor
I had a chance to play at "Tanjung Puteri Resort" in Pasir Gudang, yesterday. Zowie!!!! What a place to play golf. 3 full 18-holes ....not 3 9-holes, but 3 immaculately maintained 18-holes. The fairway is so good...so green..so beautifullll. The greens are pretty good too...a bit too slow for my liking.
I'm full of envy of those lucky Johoreans and Singaporeans golfers who would have a chance to play this course regularly. Played decent; scored 83..11 over; not bad for a first timer.
I'm full of envy of those lucky Johoreans and Singaporeans golfers who would have a chance to play this course regularly. Played decent; scored 83..11 over; not bad for a first timer.
Monday, July 10, 2006
An interesting coffee-break
I was having a coffee-break with a few of my friends, when this "bapuk" came into the "mamak" stall with her ...errr... his friend. Immediately out of curiosity; my head turned following his footsteps. My friends were all giggling;
" aisay Golfer Melayu, lu tengok apa?"
"Tak da pa; saja gua ada sikit fenin"
A friend of mine, who sat with his back at the "bapuk" turned his head to check out the "she-male".
All of a sudden; ..
" Oiiii!!!!! apa kacau-kacau ni...aku tak kacau ko orang; nakal macam setan!!!! kalo ko nak main ngan aku, cakap aje la!!!!"
Malunyer aku.....
" aisay Golfer Melayu, lu tengok apa?"
"Tak da pa; saja gua ada sikit fenin"
A friend of mine, who sat with his back at the "bapuk" turned his head to check out the "she-male".
All of a sudden; ..
" Oiiii!!!!! apa kacau-kacau ni...aku tak kacau ko orang; nakal macam setan!!!! kalo ko nak main ngan aku, cakap aje la!!!!"
Malunyer aku.....
I wrote this to my egroup in December of 2000...
"...and Daim says " RM8.00/share is a good price for the government to buy, based on a willing seller, willing buyer.. it's a real good investment, coz the MAS share value is a lot higher"
Well Daim, if it's such a good investment, why don't you just let your co. "Maluri" buy the "MAS shares" from "Naluri" at the same price?
We'll see whether you'll be singing the same tune , when it's YOUR CO.'s MONEY. not the Government's money doing such a moronic act of no economic sense whatsoever..."
Hey,hey,hey...the issue is getting hot again; very, very, very HOT and SPICY
Brendan Pereira on Monday: Government the big loser in MAS shares episode
10 Jul 2006
Brendan Pereira
NOT all wounds received in combat can be seen by the naked eye. One episode this week will have an impact on more than just the main actors named or involved.
It will test the already frayed lines of trust between the Government and the public, it will fuel paranoia, and it will cast doubt on the integrity of public servants and politicians.
Perhaps more than anything else, it will rock one of the cornerstones of governance anywhere: The willingness to take what the Government says or does at face value.
As a case study, let’s look at the startling allegations in Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli’s RM13 billion counterclaim against the Government, Danaharta and a host of individuals and companies.
In a nutshell, the tycoon is alleging that he was instructed in 1994 to buy a stake in Malaysia Airlines at way above the market price to help the Government avert a financial crisis brought about by heavy losses in foreign exchange speculation.
The way he tells it, he was a reluctant investor and only agreed to buy the stake for RM1.8 billion because he had been persuaded by the then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin that he would be absolved of all liabilities if the job of running the airline became too onerous.
Tajudin also said he was assured that when the country’s financial health improved, the Government would buy back the MAS shares.
He had to keep the backroom negotiations secret because the market would have been spooked had word got around that such deals were being cobbled together by entrepreneurs and the Government.
In 2000, the Government bought the MAS shares at RM8 a share, 117 per cent over the market price.
Tajudin is taking legal action because the Government allegedly reneged on an agreement to protect him from losses and liabilities.
The merits of his case will be heard by the High Court on Aug 10, but the court of public opinion has begun passing out judgments like confetti at a wedding.
Some say it is a self-serving tale, a yarn spun by a man with his back to the wall; a man fighting to make sure that his money and companies are not taken from him.
Others pitch Tajudin as the victim and paint Dr Mahathir and Daim as the villains of the piece.
Their main point: That the once-powerful tycoon had little choice but to play the role of national saviour.
A variant of "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country".
Perhaps a less obvious fact is that the big losers in this whole episode are not individuals but the GOVERNMENT.
Not the Government that was in office in 1994 and 2000 but the institution — the branch of the executive.
Why? Because every time allegations and accusations are made on how business is conducted by ministers, senior government officials and civil servants, it:
• lowers the estimation of Government in the eyes of the public;
• turns more believers into sceptics;
• reinforces the belief among some Malaysians that little those in power say or do can be taken at face value; and,
• can cut the umbilical cord of trust between the governing and the governed.
Tajudin’s allegations are a stark reminder of how combat can leave a trail of unintended victims.
Well Daim, if it's such a good investment, why don't you just let your co. "Maluri" buy the "MAS shares" from "Naluri" at the same price?
We'll see whether you'll be singing the same tune , when it's YOUR CO.'s MONEY. not the Government's money doing such a moronic act of no economic sense whatsoever..."
Hey,hey,hey...the issue is getting hot again; very, very, very HOT and SPICY
Brendan Pereira on Monday: Government the big loser in MAS shares episode
10 Jul 2006
Brendan Pereira
NOT all wounds received in combat can be seen by the naked eye. One episode this week will have an impact on more than just the main actors named or involved.
It will test the already frayed lines of trust between the Government and the public, it will fuel paranoia, and it will cast doubt on the integrity of public servants and politicians.
Perhaps more than anything else, it will rock one of the cornerstones of governance anywhere: The willingness to take what the Government says or does at face value.
As a case study, let’s look at the startling allegations in Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli’s RM13 billion counterclaim against the Government, Danaharta and a host of individuals and companies.
In a nutshell, the tycoon is alleging that he was instructed in 1994 to buy a stake in Malaysia Airlines at way above the market price to help the Government avert a financial crisis brought about by heavy losses in foreign exchange speculation.
The way he tells it, he was a reluctant investor and only agreed to buy the stake for RM1.8 billion because he had been persuaded by the then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin that he would be absolved of all liabilities if the job of running the airline became too onerous.
Tajudin also said he was assured that when the country’s financial health improved, the Government would buy back the MAS shares.
He had to keep the backroom negotiations secret because the market would have been spooked had word got around that such deals were being cobbled together by entrepreneurs and the Government.
In 2000, the Government bought the MAS shares at RM8 a share, 117 per cent over the market price.
Tajudin is taking legal action because the Government allegedly reneged on an agreement to protect him from losses and liabilities.
The merits of his case will be heard by the High Court on Aug 10, but the court of public opinion has begun passing out judgments like confetti at a wedding.
Some say it is a self-serving tale, a yarn spun by a man with his back to the wall; a man fighting to make sure that his money and companies are not taken from him.
Others pitch Tajudin as the victim and paint Dr Mahathir and Daim as the villains of the piece.
Their main point: That the once-powerful tycoon had little choice but to play the role of national saviour.
A variant of "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country".
Perhaps a less obvious fact is that the big losers in this whole episode are not individuals but the GOVERNMENT.
Not the Government that was in office in 1994 and 2000 but the institution — the branch of the executive.
Why? Because every time allegations and accusations are made on how business is conducted by ministers, senior government officials and civil servants, it:
• lowers the estimation of Government in the eyes of the public;
• turns more believers into sceptics;
• reinforces the belief among some Malaysians that little those in power say or do can be taken at face value; and,
• can cut the umbilical cord of trust between the governing and the governed.
Tajudin’s allegations are a stark reminder of how combat can leave a trail of unintended victims.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Played like a champ today...
Alumni Golf tournament. Played real good. Really, really goood. Even scored 36 strokes on the 2nd nine. Par golf. Stableford points of 44........ 8 under. Won the ball-sweep for the second nine. OCB. Hoped to be the Medal A champ today;...... but the medal-A cut was 18. WTF... When the announcement came in for the winners of the day; I was placed 2nd. Lost out to an 18-handicapper. He scored 47 points. Shesssh.....
Thursday, June 29, 2006
The truth is out there....
10 Things I Hate ...
1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?
2 People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.
3 When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?
4 When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their asses!
5 When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid RM12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.
6 People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya???
7. When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.
8 When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?
9 When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?
10 When people set their alarm and ....
Arghhh...forget about it....
1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?
2 People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.
3 When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?
4 When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their asses!
5 When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid RM12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.
6 People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya???
7. When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.
8 When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?
9 When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?
10 When people set their alarm and ....
Arghhh...forget about it....
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I"m such an idiot"
Phil Mickelson ....after screwing up the "US Open" leading by 2 with 3 holes to go.
Thursday, June 08, 2006

We check-out from Bukit Keluang Beach Resort on Wednesday morning; around 8:45ish and headed to the Pulau Perhentian Jetty. It's a short 15 minutes drive. Parked the MPV at one of the houses which provides parking services @ RM5/day. We took the speed boat; I meant... a real SPEEEED Boat to the Island. Within 30 minutes; we were there and was greeted by a splendor scenery; a welcoming party which played traditional music and the complimentary welcome drinks. Checked-in and out we went to check out the "crystal-clear" water.
Coral View resort is a nice place to vist either you're there alone; with a partner or with the family. Highly recommended. You don't have to take any boat ride to snorkel ,my friend,... just do it there. The water are full with colorful fish species. Bring along some bread; and you will get the chance to experience those fishes nibbling the bread from your fingers. A lot of activities; snorkeling to Pulau Rawa, Lighthouse Coral; etc,etc. For sandy white beach, just walk over to the other side of the Coral view beach and you'll be greeted by fine white sandy beach. Stayed there for 3 days 2 nights; too short......

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
An interesting riddle from the kids;
Question: What the sex of the PC mouse?
Answer: Female
Why: the mouse uses pad; the mouse pad..
Kah, kah,kah
Answer: Female
Why: the mouse uses pad; the mouse pad..
Kah, kah,kah

We arrived at Bukit Keluang Beach Resort , Kuala Besut at around 12 noon. We chose this resort based on the recommendation of a friend; WN, the CFO of the company le. We were a bit confused when we saw no sight of the beach from the resort. .
" Tempat ni ada beach ke? Mana beach dia?"
" Just 5 minutes walking distance around the corner; sir"
We were pleasantly surprised with the size and decor of the family suite. Excellent!!!!
We had our lunch at the "D'Kolam cafe"; situated beside the resort pool.
In the afternoon; we checked out the beach. The beach is not as clean as the Sutera beach ; coz to be fair; it's a public beach, but the water is excellent. You can do a bit of snorkeling. Ada gak le fish yang berwarna-warni tu. A good place to fly a kite; windy oooo... I was able to watched CSI New York and CSI @ D'Kolam; sambil minum "teh tarik"; coz the in-room TV do not offer AXN as one of the ASTRO Channels provided. Repeat visit later? a definate yes..

Monday, June 05, 2006

We had our lunch; nasi ayam and kepok lekor; on a beach ; about 25 kilometers from Kuala Terengganu. So- so gak. The kepok lekor; as usual are superior in taste compared to the kepok lekor in KL. Arrived at Sutera Beach Resort at around 4pm. Checked in into 2 side-by-side rooms. The kids; as usual were excited to check out the swimming-pool and the beach. Somehow the place does not give the same "feel-good" vibes. The food; either dinner or breakfast were quite bland, not enough selections, the rooms seems to be not as immaculate as two years ago; services were bit off; Anyway, as a stop over, it's okay. The pool were nice, and the beach is clean; the sea is clear; not crystal but clear. A hell of a lot clearer than PD!!...ahak. The water is warm; so it"s nice to swim and play in it. We left the place the next day at around 10am; to head to our next destination; Bukit Keluang Beach Resort. The photo taken just before leaving Sutera Beach Resort. Will there be a repeat visit to this resort? I don't think so. It's time to check out other resorts should we decided to have a vacation in this part of the country in the future...

Vacation; part 1....
It has been a rejuvenating 1 week vacation with the kids and wifey. Tired but definitely well worth the time and money. Started the vacation on Monday morning 29/5; around 8.30ish; stop over at Karak; to taste a recommended “nasi lemak” stall beside the Karak bomba station; verdict of the place; so-so aje.
This is the first time I’m using the new east-coast highway; direct from KL to Kuantan. The road is good; scenery is good ; the only grudge that I have; ….with a carrier-box on top of your MPV; you can't go pass 120km/hr or else… you will feel like you’re in a dryer, turn on to the top speed of the spin cycle.
So after a so-called relaxing drive ; with the average speed of 100 km/hr; we arrived in Kemaman at about 12 noon. Kemaman; Terengganu; a place where they serve the best “Sata “ in the country. Where at? Right after the “pintu gerbang” welcoming you into Terengganu; about 500 meters; just before the mosque; turn right; going towards the beach; and at the end of the junction; take another right. You will definitely not miss the good “Sata” stall… the stall with a lot of cars parked beside it. Ahh… one more thing; it will only open its doors to the customers at 2pm. We were early; …..way too early; and still full from the “nasi lemak”; so we decided to move to Kuala Terengganu. Our first stop will be the “Sutera Beach Resort”; a resort situated in Merang. We’ve stayed at the resort 2 years ago; as a stop-over before going to Redang Island. We like it so much that we’ve decided to make it a point to stop there for a day before heading to other destinations.
This is the first time I’m using the new east-coast highway; direct from KL to Kuantan. The road is good; scenery is good ; the only grudge that I have; ….with a carrier-box on top of your MPV; you can't go pass 120km/hr or else… you will feel like you’re in a dryer, turn on to the top speed of the spin cycle.
So after a so-called relaxing drive ; with the average speed of 100 km/hr; we arrived in Kemaman at about 12 noon. Kemaman; Terengganu; a place where they serve the best “Sata “ in the country. Where at? Right after the “pintu gerbang” welcoming you into Terengganu; about 500 meters; just before the mosque; turn right; going towards the beach; and at the end of the junction; take another right. You will definitely not miss the good “Sata” stall… the stall with a lot of cars parked beside it. Ahh… one more thing; it will only open its doors to the customers at 2pm. We were early; …..way too early; and still full from the “nasi lemak”; so we decided to move to Kuala Terengganu. Our first stop will be the “Sutera Beach Resort”; a resort situated in Merang. We’ve stayed at the resort 2 years ago; as a stop-over before going to Redang Island. We like it so much that we’ve decided to make it a point to stop there for a day before heading to other destinations.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
How do we apply this finding in our business negotiation?
D send this article to me today via email; with the title "How do we apply this finding in our business negotiation?"
"Those who had been exposed to the sexual cues were more likely to accept an unfair offer than those who were not, reports the BBC"
Women's sexual cues have a startling and, some might say, a debilitating effect on men.
When a man catches sight of a beautiful woman, he loses his ability to make good decisions and focus on the task at hand, according to a new study from The University of Leuven in Belgium. Men who have the highest amount of natural testosterone are the most vulnerable to a woman's sexual cues, reports the BBC News.
The study: More than 175 heterosexual male students ages 18 to 28 were recruited to play financial games that would test their sense of fair play. Each man's testosterone level was assessed by comparing the length of his index finger to his ring finger; men whose ring fingers are longer have a higher testosterone level. Just before the financial games began, the men were shown various images.
One group of 44 men were given pictures to rate. Some in this group were shown photographs of landscapes, while the others viewed sexy images of women.
A second group of 37 men were given a bra or a T-shirt and were asked to assess the quality, texture and color of the item.
A third group of 95 men were shown either pictures of elderly women or young models.
After this, they all played the financial game. Pairs of men were given $10. One man suggested the money be split, and the other had to accept or reject the offer. If the offer was accepted, they each walked away with $5. If it was rejected, neither man got to keep any money.
The results: The men who were exposed to the alluring images performed far worse in the financial games than the men who had not seen them. Those who had been exposed to the sexual cues were more likely to accept an unfair offer than those who were not, reports the BBC. The sexual cues seemed to distract them from the task at hand, making it difficult to concentrate and focus. Those who had the highest levels of testosterone performed worst on the test, perhaps because they are most sensitive to alluring images.
Dr. Siegfried DeWitte, one of the researchers who worked on the study, told the BBC: "We like to think we are all rational beings, but our research suggests...that people with high testosterone levels are very vulnerable to sexual cues. If there are no cues around, they behave normally. But if they see sexual images they become impulsive."
The study findings were published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Men."
my reply; WTF??
"Those who had been exposed to the sexual cues were more likely to accept an unfair offer than those who were not, reports the BBC"
Women's sexual cues have a startling and, some might say, a debilitating effect on men.
When a man catches sight of a beautiful woman, he loses his ability to make good decisions and focus on the task at hand, according to a new study from The University of Leuven in Belgium. Men who have the highest amount of natural testosterone are the most vulnerable to a woman's sexual cues, reports the BBC News.
The study: More than 175 heterosexual male students ages 18 to 28 were recruited to play financial games that would test their sense of fair play. Each man's testosterone level was assessed by comparing the length of his index finger to his ring finger; men whose ring fingers are longer have a higher testosterone level. Just before the financial games began, the men were shown various images.
One group of 44 men were given pictures to rate. Some in this group were shown photographs of landscapes, while the others viewed sexy images of women.
A second group of 37 men were given a bra or a T-shirt and were asked to assess the quality, texture and color of the item.
A third group of 95 men were shown either pictures of elderly women or young models.
After this, they all played the financial game. Pairs of men were given $10. One man suggested the money be split, and the other had to accept or reject the offer. If the offer was accepted, they each walked away with $5. If it was rejected, neither man got to keep any money.
The results: The men who were exposed to the alluring images performed far worse in the financial games than the men who had not seen them. Those who had been exposed to the sexual cues were more likely to accept an unfair offer than those who were not, reports the BBC. The sexual cues seemed to distract them from the task at hand, making it difficult to concentrate and focus. Those who had the highest levels of testosterone performed worst on the test, perhaps because they are most sensitive to alluring images.
Dr. Siegfried DeWitte, one of the researchers who worked on the study, told the BBC: "We like to think we are all rational beings, but our research suggests...that people with high testosterone levels are very vulnerable to sexual cues. If there are no cues around, they behave normally. But if they see sexual images they become impulsive."
The study findings were published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Men."
my reply; WTF??
Phew!!! That's a whole lotta golf!!!!!
Friday ; 18-holes; Kelab Rahman Putra GCC;
Saturday; 18-holes; Templer GCC;
Sunday; 18-holes; Peransang Templer GC
Tuesday; 18-holes; Sri Selangor GC;
Tomorrow; Thursday; ASTRO-Philip Masters; Templer GCC;
Arghh!!!! I need a back massage !!!!!
Saturday; 18-holes; Templer GCC;
Sunday; 18-holes; Peransang Templer GC
Tuesday; 18-holes; Sri Selangor GC;
Tomorrow; Thursday; ASTRO-Philip Masters; Templer GCC;
Arghh!!!! I need a back massage !!!!!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Just for the fun of it......
Your name in japanese...try it..
what is your japanese name ?Take each letter of your name and substitute it with the japanese sound to the right of the letter. Names might be kinda long.
A- ka * B- zu * C- mi * D- te * E- ku * F- lu * G- ji
H- ri * I- ki * J- zu * K- me * L- ta * M- rin *
N- to O-mo * P- no * Q- ke * R- shi * S- ari * T-chi U- do *
V- ru * W-mei * X- na * Y- fu * Z- zi
1) Aida ---> kakiteka (wow...cool...)
2) azlan ---> kazitakato (hahaha....gila)
what is your japanese name ?Take each letter of your name and substitute it with the japanese sound to the right of the letter. Names might be kinda long.
A- ka * B- zu * C- mi * D- te * E- ku * F- lu * G- ji
H- ri * I- ki * J- zu * K- me * L- ta * M- rin *
N- to O-mo * P- no * Q- ke * R- shi * S- ari * T-chi U- do *
V- ru * W-mei * X- na * Y- fu * Z- zi
1) Aida ---> kakiteka (wow...cool...)
2) azlan ---> kazitakato (hahaha....gila)
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I'm pissed. I really am. Today I found out that my ex-company, a company that I used to own some shares, has been putting my name in their invoices. I don't know the reason behind it, and I don't really care, but it was really "low". I only get to know about it when "the CUSTOMER" asked me about the status of the ex-company; in which my reply has always been a standard " I don't know".
"Can we just go through you to settle this issue?" the CUSTOMER.
" I still know the people in there, I can try"
" ...anyway, your name is there in this invoice dated ...., and we need to settle this ASAP " the CUSTOMER
" The hell???? "
Called the owner there and then, in front of the CUSTOMER, to ask for clarifications. He's on roaming and was not answering. I called the ex-CFO ; which admitted his honest mistake of putting my name into those invoices. Lucky I have my HP on the speakerphone mode for everybody to hear the conversation.
"Can we just go through you to settle this issue?" the CUSTOMER.
" I still know the people in there, I can try"
" ...anyway, your name is there in this invoice dated ...., and we need to settle this ASAP " the CUSTOMER
" The hell???? "
Called the owner there and then, in front of the CUSTOMER, to ask for clarifications. He's on roaming and was not answering. I called the ex-CFO ; which admitted his honest mistake of putting my name into those invoices. Lucky I have my HP on the speakerphone mode for everybody to hear the conversation.
Monday, May 15, 2006
My home club, PTGC, owned by the KDEB, has been in a bad condition for the last 3 weeks. Reason? The management of the club were unable to cut the fairway grass due to faulty grass-cutter machines. WTF??? The first week was not that bad, come 2nd week, hitting the fairways feels like the hitting from the first-cut rough...3rd week, no fairways, rough all the way.
Members were furious. Complains were aplenty, yet no actions were taken by the club management to improve the situation.
Called in mid week last week to ask one of the staff about the situation.
"so, dah potong rumput ke dak?"
"Belum la, mesin potong rumput still rosak"
"La, management tu tak reti nak sewa mana-mana mesin potong rumput ke?"
Yesterday, I went to the PTGC, to play a round of golf, with no high expectation to the condition of the golf course ; but to my suprise, it was already cut and the green condition were excellent.
"Hey, hey,hey, what happened?"
"The KDEB bosses held a competition Sunday morning and were also here to participate in the golf tourney, .... we have to impress them la, so on friday, we were able to do the course maintenance; pinjam la mesin potong rumput sebelah."
" Wooi Yoo, if that's the case, I would love to have those KDEB bosses every week @ PTGC" " Course condition would be immaculate!!!!!"
Members were furious. Complains were aplenty, yet no actions were taken by the club management to improve the situation.
Called in mid week last week to ask one of the staff about the situation.
"so, dah potong rumput ke dak?"
"Belum la, mesin potong rumput still rosak"
"La, management tu tak reti nak sewa mana-mana mesin potong rumput ke?"
Yesterday, I went to the PTGC, to play a round of golf, with no high expectation to the condition of the golf course ; but to my suprise, it was already cut and the green condition were excellent.
"Hey, hey,hey, what happened?"
"The KDEB bosses held a competition Sunday morning and were also here to participate in the golf tourney, .... we have to impress them la, so on friday, we were able to do the course maintenance; pinjam la mesin potong rumput sebelah."
" Wooi Yoo, if that's the case, I would love to have those KDEB bosses every week @ PTGC" " Course condition would be immaculate!!!!!"
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Rain, rain and more rain
La Nina...rain..heavy rain...flood...jam...arghhhhh!!!! no golf in the afternoon...double arghhhhh!!!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
It's fun to do info searching on the internet with the kids, but..
Do not do any search on any internet search engines; while your safe search is set to off; on topics such as;
interacial, asian, tera patrick, charmane star, xxx, xx,x, porn, free, any ladies name; japanese, ladies, milf, nudes, ..bla,bla,bla
or else...
You'll have a hard time explaning...
...and if you are reading this, by accident, due to your searching activities.. Sorry dude!!!! You're in the wrong place
Don't say that I didn't warn you....
interacial, asian, tera patrick, charmane star, xxx, xx,x, porn, free, any ladies name; japanese, ladies, milf, nudes, ..bla,bla,bla
or else...
You'll have a hard time explaning...
...and if you are reading this, by accident, due to your searching activities.. Sorry dude!!!! You're in the wrong place
Don't say that I didn't warn you....
Monday, May 08, 2006
A crack within the ranks? or a crack within my ass.. same -same lor
No golf story today...but maybe some "cerita basi". About Malaysian politic...one day you're friend, another day you can become enemies.
Malaysia needs another bridge. A bridge that will link two countries; Malaysia and Singapore. A bridge that will allow ships to pass through; therefore; the couseway ;"Tambak Johor" would have to be demolished; and with that our port; Tanjung Pelepas ; would be the main port for all ships within the region; which will probably kill the "largest and biggest and the most profitable" port in the whole wide world; the PSA Singapore Terminal. Project was mooted and visualized during the ERA of the previous Prime Minister; the great Tun M.
"Apa Nama? Singapore tak nak a "straight bridge"? Takpa, kita bole buat bridge tu crooked; kah;kah; padan muka dia orang"
So the story goes; The new PM; Pak Lah inherited the project.
"Apasal la aku kena inherit this scenic bridge project? Tak masuk akai; takpa kita pangge dia scenic" instead of crooked; baru ada ngancam..."
The Singapore Government retaliated ;
" You wanna build the bridge; ok; we are a kiasu government; so if you wanna do that; gives us your airspace; for our airforce to train; and sell us your sand; so that we can make Singapore bigger...walla weh...so how, agree or not?"
" So how?" Pak Lah asked.
"We asked the people of Malaysia la"
Three weeks later; the project was scrapped. Tun M was really pissed-off.
"I think this is a...... country with no guts!!!!" " The Government is half past six with no guts!!!!"
Now, it has become interesting...
Dato' Mukriz Mahathir; the son of Tun Mahathir; and an UMNO Youth Executive Council member; urged the government to re-open and continue to negotiate with Singapore . Even if the matter had to be brought before the International Court of Justice.
KJ; the chosen one; UMNO Youth Deputy President and Pak Lah Son-in-law;
"There is no room in Umno Youth for leaders to make statements contrary to decisions taken by its executive council," in other words " Yo!!!! ko jangan nak kaco bapak mertua aku la; bapak lu punyer time suda habis; lu and bapak lu duduk diam2 aje la.."
Not just KJ, Chief pun tunjuk garang gak;
"You can give your criticisms. When you go beyond that – sending out letters to MPs and division heads – that is tantamount to undermining the Government leadership. I take full responsibility for what I had said "
“If Tun responds, I will respond back. We will see who gets tired.”
Finally, the response from Pak Lah; " Saya tak nak campur ini hal...ni soal remeh temeh, saya nak gi Caribbean and USA la, cari bizness for Malaysia BOLE!!!!" ...ahak
So the story goes... better get some inside story from Dato' SK. He, he, ....
Malaysia needs another bridge. A bridge that will link two countries; Malaysia and Singapore. A bridge that will allow ships to pass through; therefore; the couseway ;"Tambak Johor" would have to be demolished; and with that our port; Tanjung Pelepas ; would be the main port for all ships within the region; which will probably kill the "largest and biggest and the most profitable" port in the whole wide world; the PSA Singapore Terminal. Project was mooted and visualized during the ERA of the previous Prime Minister; the great Tun M.
"Apa Nama? Singapore tak nak a "straight bridge"? Takpa, kita bole buat bridge tu crooked; kah;kah; padan muka dia orang"
So the story goes; The new PM; Pak Lah inherited the project.
"Apasal la aku kena inherit this scenic bridge project? Tak masuk akai; takpa kita pangge dia scenic" instead of crooked; baru ada ngancam..."
The Singapore Government retaliated ;
" You wanna build the bridge; ok; we are a kiasu government; so if you wanna do that; gives us your airspace; for our airforce to train; and sell us your sand; so that we can make Singapore bigger...walla weh...so how, agree or not?"
" So how?" Pak Lah asked.
"We asked the people of Malaysia la"
Three weeks later; the project was scrapped. Tun M was really pissed-off.
"I think this is a...... country with no guts!!!!" " The Government is half past six with no guts!!!!"
Now, it has become interesting...
Dato' Mukriz Mahathir; the son of Tun Mahathir; and an UMNO Youth Executive Council member; urged the government to re-open and continue to negotiate with Singapore . Even if the matter had to be brought before the International Court of Justice.
KJ; the chosen one; UMNO Youth Deputy President and Pak Lah Son-in-law;
"There is no room in Umno Youth for leaders to make statements contrary to decisions taken by its executive council," in other words " Yo!!!! ko jangan nak kaco bapak mertua aku la; bapak lu punyer time suda habis; lu and bapak lu duduk diam2 aje la.."
Not just KJ, Chief pun tunjuk garang gak;
"You can give your criticisms. When you go beyond that – sending out letters to MPs and division heads – that is tantamount to undermining the Government leadership. I take full responsibility for what I had said "
“If Tun responds, I will respond back. We will see who gets tired.”
Finally, the response from Pak Lah; " Saya tak nak campur ini hal...ni soal remeh temeh, saya nak gi Caribbean and USA la, cari bizness for Malaysia BOLE!!!!" ...ahak
So the story goes... better get some inside story from Dato' SK. He, he, ....
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Golf Promotion
"Golfer, I heard Palm Garden IOI is running a very good promotion la"
" Ya ka? "
" Yes La; tee-off before 11am, RM 200/flight"
" Oii yoo!!! very cheap la oiii!!! Gotta check it out"
" Palm Garden?"
"Yup, May I help you, Sir?"
"Yes, I was thinking of playing golf at your course tomorrow morning; and I heard that you have a very good promotion rate for people who wanna tee-off before 11am?"
" Oooo, yes Sir, tee-off before 11am, and it will be RM 199.90.."
"RM 199.90 per flight.., hui yoo, That's very good"
"Nooo Sir, RM 199.90 for two person...you'll get bla, bla,bla..."
" Ya ka? "
" Yes La; tee-off before 11am, RM 200/flight"
" Oii yoo!!! very cheap la oiii!!! Gotta check it out"
" Palm Garden?"
"Yup, May I help you, Sir?"
"Yes, I was thinking of playing golf at your course tomorrow morning; and I heard that you have a very good promotion rate for people who wanna tee-off before 11am?"
" Oooo, yes Sir, tee-off before 11am, and it will be RM 199.90.."
"RM 199.90 per flight.., hui yoo, That's very good"
"Nooo Sir, RM 199.90 for two person...you'll get bla, bla,bla..."
School holiday is just around the corner. It's that time of the year. Vacation with the family. Yee Haa. Going to spend a week with the wife and kids. This year will be a "beach" and "island" vacation. Sutera Beach Resort @ Merang, 2 days 1 night, then Bukit Keluang Resort@ Besut, 3-days 2 nights before heading to Coral View Resort@Perhentian Island, 3 days 2 nights . Plan to stop at Kemamang for the delicious Sata, Kepuk Gete. Plan to also go to Kota Bharu, Kelantan, on the 2 day while @ Kota Keluang; they say it's only 45 minutes driving.
I believe I would need extra space to put in all the baggages. About time to check-out the MPV carriage; the one that will be fitted on top of the roof. Top of the line will be THULE, made in Sweden; sturdy, reliable.
"Yo, AJ, you know where I can source this THULE ?"
"Go and check out the IKANO Power Center; they had a sale on Thule ;"
Off I went to IKANO; ... lo-and-behold, they do have a THULE specialty shop; selling all products with the THULE Brand. Check out the ones that fit my MPV beautifully.
"How much?"
" This cost RM2,888, and this one, the one with the more aerodynamically design; cost
RM 3,500"
At last, I bought an aerodinamically design MPV carriage box which cost me RM785. Brand? Not Thule la, but "MONSTER BOX"!!!! Ahak..
I believe I would need extra space to put in all the baggages. About time to check-out the MPV carriage; the one that will be fitted on top of the roof. Top of the line will be THULE, made in Sweden; sturdy, reliable.
"Yo, AJ, you know where I can source this THULE ?"
"Go and check out the IKANO Power Center; they had a sale on Thule ;"
Off I went to IKANO; ... lo-and-behold, they do have a THULE specialty shop; selling all products with the THULE Brand. Check out the ones that fit my MPV beautifully.
"How much?"
" This cost RM2,888, and this one, the one with the more aerodynamically design; cost
RM 3,500"
At last, I bought an aerodinamically design MPV carriage box which cost me RM785. Brand? Not Thule la, but "MONSTER BOX"!!!! Ahak..
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Scores of my previous 6 golf sessions...
Bukit Unggul GCC : 80 ; Kajang Hill GCC : 90 ; Perangsang Templer GC : 81 ; Saujana Impian GCC: 80 , Bangi Golf Resort : 82, and Perangsang Templer: 79.
Average Score : 82.0 ; +0.0; above my current Handicap of 10...Not Bad, but could be better..
Average Score : 82.0 ; +0.0; above my current Handicap of 10...Not Bad, but could be better..
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
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