Ramai gak kengkawan aku yang dapat "Dato'ship" baru-baru ni. Salah seorang adalah kawan sebilek gua masa aku belajar di USA. Aku panggil dia ML. Peminat Rod Steward. Masa aku kat sana, sempat le tengok mamat ni joget style Rod Steward. Mat smart jugak. Musti nak pakai jacket kulit warna coklat kemerah-merahan dia. Sesekejap tengok cermin, nak betulkan jambul dia. Bila dia balik ke Malaysia, bergiat cergas dalam politik. Last "election" dia menang di kawasan dia. Jadi YB le. Jadi lak Exco kat negeri tu. Jaga hal ehwal infrasruktur and pembangunan negeri. Baru-baru ni , sempena Hari Keputeraan Sultan Negeri ML, aku nampak le nama dia . Dah dapat Dato dah si ML. Aku cepat-cepat hantor SMS congratulating him.
"Thank you Bro...Bila bole jumpa borak-borak?" Dato jawab.
Allright YB Dato' Ir ML, caya sama lu.
Sorang lagi adalah ex-boss gua. Dato MAS. Orang yang memperkenalkan golf kat gua pada tahun 1996. Masa tu dia dah main Hcp 7. Gua baru terkial-kial nak cuba pukul bola. Sekarang dia kerja as "President Director" of an Indonesian Mining Company. Last sekali aku jumpa dia about five months ago kat Jakarta. Gaya cakap still like dulu. Very "Stylo".
Gua cukup happy kalo kengkawan yang memang "down-to-earth" dapat darjah-darjah kebesaran ni. Manalah tau, bila ada problem, BIGGGG problem, ada gak tempat nak mengadu.
he he
Friday, July 29, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Marketing strategy...brilliant
As I watched "Akademi Fantasia" last night, there was an announcement by the "pengetua" that there will be a double-elimination this coming Saturday. Hmmmm...brilliant. What it means is that ASTRO and the TELCOs will make more mullah this week. The fans will be sending in their votes like crazy, just to ensure that their favourite contestant would not get the boot this week. I'm pretty sure the "SMS gateway" of the TELCOs will be jammed with queues of X thousands of SMSs and text messages.
And I'm also pretty sure that there will be no elimination this week. Why???? Business, Brother, business.....
p.s. let see whether ASTRO will prove me wrong on this.
And I'm also pretty sure that there will be no elimination this week. Why???? Business, Brother, business.....
p.s. let see whether ASTRO will prove me wrong on this.
"I gotta go to Penang tomorrow...." the wife mumbled at me.
"OK, bila balik?"
" Masaalahnyer, company I suruh gi beli "flight ticket" sendiri kat Sentral, pas tu plak, claim tak masuk, En M, refering to her boss, tak sign plak duit untuk beli flight ticket tu, kalau tak gi meeting ni, nanti client complain, tulis surat ke company, I tak da duit ni, so camner?"
"Bior le client tu tulis surat complain ke company you, bior le boss-boss kat company you tau that they are responsible for the running of the company, jangan harap employee aja nak jaga nama baik company".
Kadang-kadang aku pun pelik kat company-company yang management dia should not be there as management... Aku ni in the management team jugak, but I know, I'm always concern about the employees well-beings....as long as tak lebih-lebih sangat le. Maybe those "so-called" managers should read, or learn and be trained about management. Kalau malas buat yang tu, just "emphatize".
Got this article in the mail today,
Management Lessons from Star Wars By Maureen Ryan
Tribune staff reporter May 23, 2005 1:49 PM CDT: Bad 'Star Wars' bosses
I took a break from TV obssession this weekend to see "Star Wars: Episode
III -- Revenge of the Sith." And despite all the whizzing lightsabers, dazzling space battles and political drama, it was clear what "Star Wars 3" really is. It's case study of bad management. Why does Anakin Skywalker turn bad? It sure seems like it's because he didn't get a promotion. He really wanted that title, Jedi Master (and the company car would have been
But, you say, maybe Anakin wasn't ready for that promotion. Maybe he was still too immature, too easily angered, too likely to furrow his brow at the slightest provocation. So why didn't his managers give him a clearly defined path to promotion? Not a bunch of Jedi mumbo-jumbo about using the Force and examining his feelings, but a concrete list of job skills he needed to improve (Using time more wisely? Prioritizing better? Keeping the Jedi break room leaner? Thinking up better dialogue?)
The worst Jedi manager had to be Mace Windu, who, when things got hairy, essentially told Anakin to just stay put,don't worry, and by the way, we don't need your help right now. That's not the way help an employee feel empowered and invested in the task at hand. And it was disastrous for Yoda to tell a troubled Anakin to give up that which was most important to him. That sounded suspicously like "Don't expect a raise any time soon."
Obi Wan Kenobi wasn't much better. A boss should know enough about an employee's life to know what they're worried about. Obi Wan didn't realize his apprentice was having a child (well, twins, actually) with Padme until it was too late. Those sorts of personal issues worried Anakin to the point of obsession, yet Obi Wan was mostly oblivious. And sure, Palpatine
appealed to Anakin's ego. But what smart boss doesn't, from time to time? It's not enough to tell an employee that he's the chosen one, yada yada. Obi Wan should have realized that the constant "you've got more to learn, young apprentice" stuff gets old after a while.
If Obi Wan and the council had chosen Anakin for a few crucial solo missions, maybe he would have been too focused on Jedi business to be tempted by Palpatine's Sith pitch. Still, Anakin must bear the responsibility for his eventual decision to join the staff of Dark Side, Inc. He was seduced by a boss who promised much, but actually withheld vital information that would have affected Anakin's most important decisions. Those kinds of bosses -- the ones to hold on to information and use it like a weapon, all in an effort to manipulate employees into doing their bidding -- are usually very articulate and seem like your buddy at
first. They seem like they're looking out for you. Then, one day, you're cut off at the knees. Dependent on them for everything. And have nowhere to turn, especially if your old bosses kind of want you dead. So the lessons for bosses and employees everywhere? Give your employees a stake in the enterprise, and if they want to move up, use constructive feedback to tell them how they can do so. Motivate their best qualities by giving incentives
for good behavior, but be willing to accept criticism when it's warranted. And don't become the kind of boss who rules through fear, intimidation, secrecy and appeals to greed and arrogance. Unless you're really good with a lightsaber.
"OK, bila balik?"
" Masaalahnyer, company I suruh gi beli "flight ticket" sendiri kat Sentral, pas tu plak, claim tak masuk, En M, refering to her boss, tak sign plak duit untuk beli flight ticket tu, kalau tak gi meeting ni, nanti client complain, tulis surat ke company, I tak da duit ni, so camner?"
"Bior le client tu tulis surat complain ke company you, bior le boss-boss kat company you tau that they are responsible for the running of the company, jangan harap employee aja nak jaga nama baik company".
Kadang-kadang aku pun pelik kat company-company yang management dia should not be there as management... Aku ni in the management team jugak, but I know, I'm always concern about the employees well-beings....as long as tak lebih-lebih sangat le. Maybe those "so-called" managers should read, or learn and be trained about management. Kalau malas buat yang tu, just "emphatize".
Got this article in the mail today,
Management Lessons from Star Wars By Maureen Ryan
Tribune staff reporter May 23, 2005 1:49 PM CDT: Bad 'Star Wars' bosses
I took a break from TV obssession this weekend to see "Star Wars: Episode
III -- Revenge of the Sith." And despite all the whizzing lightsabers, dazzling space battles and political drama, it was clear what "Star Wars 3" really is. It's case study of bad management. Why does Anakin Skywalker turn bad? It sure seems like it's because he didn't get a promotion. He really wanted that title, Jedi Master (and the company car would have been
But, you say, maybe Anakin wasn't ready for that promotion. Maybe he was still too immature, too easily angered, too likely to furrow his brow at the slightest provocation. So why didn't his managers give him a clearly defined path to promotion? Not a bunch of Jedi mumbo-jumbo about using the Force and examining his feelings, but a concrete list of job skills he needed to improve (Using time more wisely? Prioritizing better? Keeping the Jedi break room leaner? Thinking up better dialogue?)
The worst Jedi manager had to be Mace Windu, who, when things got hairy, essentially told Anakin to just stay put,don't worry, and by the way, we don't need your help right now. That's not the way help an employee feel empowered and invested in the task at hand. And it was disastrous for Yoda to tell a troubled Anakin to give up that which was most important to him. That sounded suspicously like "Don't expect a raise any time soon."
Obi Wan Kenobi wasn't much better. A boss should know enough about an employee's life to know what they're worried about. Obi Wan didn't realize his apprentice was having a child (well, twins, actually) with Padme until it was too late. Those sorts of personal issues worried Anakin to the point of obsession, yet Obi Wan was mostly oblivious. And sure, Palpatine
appealed to Anakin's ego. But what smart boss doesn't, from time to time? It's not enough to tell an employee that he's the chosen one, yada yada. Obi Wan should have realized that the constant "you've got more to learn, young apprentice" stuff gets old after a while.
If Obi Wan and the council had chosen Anakin for a few crucial solo missions, maybe he would have been too focused on Jedi business to be tempted by Palpatine's Sith pitch. Still, Anakin must bear the responsibility for his eventual decision to join the staff of Dark Side, Inc. He was seduced by a boss who promised much, but actually withheld vital information that would have affected Anakin's most important decisions. Those kinds of bosses -- the ones to hold on to information and use it like a weapon, all in an effort to manipulate employees into doing their bidding -- are usually very articulate and seem like your buddy at
first. They seem like they're looking out for you. Then, one day, you're cut off at the knees. Dependent on them for everything. And have nowhere to turn, especially if your old bosses kind of want you dead. So the lessons for bosses and employees everywhere? Give your employees a stake in the enterprise, and if they want to move up, use constructive feedback to tell them how they can do so. Motivate their best qualities by giving incentives
for good behavior, but be willing to accept criticism when it's warranted. And don't become the kind of boss who rules through fear, intimidation, secrecy and appeals to greed and arrogance. Unless you're really good with a lightsaber.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Bila orang nak pinjam ....
Last Friday, masa aku tengah lepak-lepak kat Chillies KLCC, aku dapat phone call from my ex-schoolmate, ZK. Dia kata nak jumpa. Important katanyer.
"Let's meet at 4:30pm, Chinoz?"
"Ok, I'll be there."
Around 4.40pm , aku pun gi ke ke Chinoz. After borak-borak , ZK pun citerle tentang masalahnyer. Masalah kewangan le. Dia kalau boleh nak pinjam duit aku sikit, masalahnyer, kewangan gua pun tak berapa bagus, aku baru ajer beli "life-membership" of a golf club, ni tinggai cukup-cukup ajer with some spare, cuma aku tak sanggup nak citer time-time tu jugak yang aku tak bole nak meminjamkannyer duit tu.
"ZK, gimme time to check out my financial, I'll get back to you"
Aku bayar bill and left the place with a burden on how to break the news to him. Aku pernah takda duit. Memang perit. Nak pinjam memember memang malu. Nak mintak duit kat family, lagi malu. Maybe , I'll just break the news through SMS. Sorry my friend, not this time, maybe next time around.
"Let's meet at 4:30pm, Chinoz?"
"Ok, I'll be there."
Around 4.40pm , aku pun gi ke ke Chinoz. After borak-borak , ZK pun citerle tentang masalahnyer. Masalah kewangan le. Dia kalau boleh nak pinjam duit aku sikit, masalahnyer, kewangan gua pun tak berapa bagus, aku baru ajer beli "life-membership" of a golf club, ni tinggai cukup-cukup ajer with some spare, cuma aku tak sanggup nak citer time-time tu jugak yang aku tak bole nak meminjamkannyer duit tu.
"ZK, gimme time to check out my financial, I'll get back to you"
Aku bayar bill and left the place with a burden on how to break the news to him. Aku pernah takda duit. Memang perit. Nak pinjam memember memang malu. Nak mintak duit kat family, lagi malu. Maybe , I'll just break the news through SMS. Sorry my friend, not this time, maybe next time around.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
How to become a successful politician...aku rasa la
Minggu ni ada perjumpaan parti politik terbesar di dunia, (terbesar ni mengikut kata depa la). Serba serbi besar. Dewan besar, orang besar,rambut besar,isu yang diperbincangkan pun besar. Jolok sana, jolok sini. Cucuk sana, cucuk sini. Ada sorang budak muda yang powerful, handsome gak, penolong kepada ketua tapi maybe more powerful than the chip la, pun kena cucuk dan jolok dari belakang. Dia cerita pasai agenda DEB, 30% musti hak bangsa KITA!!!! Tak payah malu , tak payah selindung. Kita musti tuntut hak kita 30% hak bangsa kita , 80% of the 30% plak mustilah hak (D+1,E-2,M) _(Scorpio-1 bulan). he,he..
Ada plak Makcik yang jadi tak keruan bila ditegur oleh Bapak dia, pas tu PEMUDA plak tekan and then kena plak suruh buat public apology ke ayahanda kerana dikatakan bersikap "kurang ajar". Seronak gak tengok, dengar and baca pasal benda benda ni. So, aku rasala, pasal aku ni golfer bukan politician, to become a succesful politician, kita kena
1) Pandai bercakap, buat lawak and mengutuk , kalo tak, ramai delegates yang akan tido, and you will not be featured in any of the media.
2) Citer pasal memperjuangkan hak melayu.....every year hak melayu...hak melayu....muka musti toye, pasal dalam hati, hak aku.
3)When you're in trouble, relax, and do a diversion by talking about something else.
4) kalo ni tak jadi jugak, and you're still in BIG Trouble...... cry..cry and cry somemore...get some sympathy, just make sure the tears looks real ...and bersumpah with the Quran as a witness (pls, pls and double pls....jangan le buat cam ni). Anyhow, the MENTOR did the same thing before.
Morale of the story: Kalo dah tua, memang tak lawa menangis, apa lagi kalo gambar full face shot letak kat front page. Mengerikan.
Ada plak Makcik yang jadi tak keruan bila ditegur oleh Bapak dia, pas tu PEMUDA plak tekan and then kena plak suruh buat public apology ke ayahanda kerana dikatakan bersikap "kurang ajar". Seronak gak tengok, dengar and baca pasal benda benda ni. So, aku rasala, pasal aku ni golfer bukan politician, to become a succesful politician, kita kena
1) Pandai bercakap, buat lawak and mengutuk , kalo tak, ramai delegates yang akan tido, and you will not be featured in any of the media.
2) Citer pasal memperjuangkan hak melayu.....every year hak melayu...hak melayu....muka musti toye, pasal dalam hati, hak aku.
3)When you're in trouble, relax, and do a diversion by talking about something else.
4) kalo ni tak jadi jugak, and you're still in BIG Trouble...... cry..cry and cry somemore...get some sympathy, just make sure the tears looks real ...and bersumpah with the Quran as a witness (pls, pls and double pls....jangan le buat cam ni). Anyhow, the MENTOR did the same thing before.
Morale of the story: Kalo dah tua, memang tak lawa menangis, apa lagi kalo gambar full face shot letak kat front page. Mengerikan.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Gua sedih.........
Hari ni gua rasa nak tulis pasal leadership plak. Bila jadi leader, lu ada kuasa, tapi janganle menyalahguna kuasa. Gua terbaca suratkhabar hari ni, citer pasal ex-CM Sabah yang terasa teramat sedih pasal hutang judi dia telah diketahui public. La, buat apa nak sedih, lu memang kaki judi, cam tu la jadinyer. Pas tu pinjam duit tak nak bayor, kena sue le. Nak sedih buat pe nyer. Gua rasa lu tak sedih tapi malu kan? Padan muka ko. Dulu lu kepala Agama Islam kat Sabah. Masa pilihanraya, gi ke masjid sana-sini, pakai songkok, ada komen pasal Islam Hadhari. Ni sekarang lu sudah kantoi. Nak buat-buat sedih plak. Lu ingat ada orang nak simpati ke?
Hari tu plak, aku terbaca pasal bekas PM sudah tak puas hati pasal ketelusan pembahagian AP. Yang dia tak puas hati tu, pembahagian AP masa last year ajer. Maybe dia patut tanya apa jadi on tahun-tahun sebelum tu jugak. Baru ada telus. Ni sumer berlakon aje. Bila dah tak de power baru nak melalak ke sana sini.
Semalam gua pergi driving range, mamat single handicap ni tanya sama gua, "Lu masuk Peransang Masters tak?" Gua tanya dia balik " Lu dulu main 5, sekarang main berapa?"
Dia jawab "gua sekarang main 10"
Ha, pasai tu le aku tak nak main peransang masters. Banyak sangat orang cam ko yang merepair handicap. Apa kena-mengena perbualan kat driving range ni ngan benda kat atas tu? Tak dak kena mengena langsung. Saje aku nak melalut pagi-pagi ni. Otak aku tengah "jam" nak menyelesaikan masaalah payment from the customers.
"Hello Mr Customer, bole tak cepatkan payment tu sket?????? and one other thing, hari ni Birthday gua la!!!!!"
Hari tu plak, aku terbaca pasal bekas PM sudah tak puas hati pasal ketelusan pembahagian AP. Yang dia tak puas hati tu, pembahagian AP masa last year ajer. Maybe dia patut tanya apa jadi on tahun-tahun sebelum tu jugak. Baru ada telus. Ni sumer berlakon aje. Bila dah tak de power baru nak melalak ke sana sini.
Semalam gua pergi driving range, mamat single handicap ni tanya sama gua, "Lu masuk Peransang Masters tak?" Gua tanya dia balik " Lu dulu main 5, sekarang main berapa?"
Dia jawab "gua sekarang main 10"
Ha, pasai tu le aku tak nak main peransang masters. Banyak sangat orang cam ko yang merepair handicap. Apa kena-mengena perbualan kat driving range ni ngan benda kat atas tu? Tak dak kena mengena langsung. Saje aku nak melalut pagi-pagi ni. Otak aku tengah "jam" nak menyelesaikan masaalah payment from the customers.
"Hello Mr Customer, bole tak cepatkan payment tu sket?????? and one other thing, hari ni Birthday gua la!!!!!"

Mr ASH call aku last week. Dia cakap si Mr K nak gi Qatar. Aku tanya berapa lama. Dia jawab 2 tahun. Mak oii, lama tu. Aku gi call Mr K. Borak-borak sikit and tanya hal-hal berkenaan hal Qatar. Katanye kena gi dalam belas-belas haribulan July ni.
"Aiik, sebelum ko gi , kita kena main golf le dulu, nak harap aku gi Qatar main golf kat sana buat apa, ada satu je padang golf kat situ, baik gi Jakarta"
"Ok, bila dan di mana, pasal aku nak beduk ko sebelum aku gi Qatar ni, baru le aku puas hati"
So nampaknyer aku akan kehilangan sorang member golf yang bole di SMS dan di "ayam" kan kalo aku nak main golf. Be cool Brother and have fun in Qatar. But for now, Jumaat ni aku nak belasah ko jugak.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
The Open 2005.....
This week will be interesting. British Open. Tiger Woods and the gang will once again go into battle with each other at the home of golf, St Andrews-Old Course. Gua dah selalu main course ni, siap bole hafal lagi, kat computer le, Tiger-Woods PGA tour 2005.
My pick will be on Tiger, Sergio, Phil Michelson and Retief Goosen. Tiger and Sergio, two players with a lot of emotions,fun to watch. Phil, gooffy smile, genius on short game, except maybe on putting. Retief, no emotion, boring player with a very nice swing.
Emmmm, tapi ada ke tournament ni tunjuk kat ASTRO? Yesssss, gua suda check...memang ada kat ESPN. Best nyer.
My pick will be on Tiger, Sergio, Phil Michelson and Retief Goosen. Tiger and Sergio, two players with a lot of emotions,fun to watch. Phil, gooffy smile, genius on short game, except maybe on putting. Retief, no emotion, boring player with a very nice swing.
Emmmm, tapi ada ke tournament ni tunjuk kat ASTRO? Yesssss, gua suda check...memang ada kat ESPN. Best nyer.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Tournament of the "BUAYAS"
Inter-alumni Challenge 2005. I was there at Kota Permai as early as 7:05 am. As usual ,in any golf tournament, there were a few familiar faces. Met my alumni brothers for breakfast and during this time that I read through the official booklet of the tourney that list the names and handicaps of the players.
"Aik, cam lain macam je handicap bebudak yang aku kenal ni? " citer aku ke alumni brothers. " Si MG, yang badan besar, pernah plak jadi goalkeeper malaysia ni, cam mana bole main handicap 10...Kat PTGC dia main 4... and sometimes jadi "coach" to ZAB yang jugak single handicapper"
Arghh, Lantak ko la nak main ngan handicap apa, I will still play with my official handicap. TEAM A of the alumni consist of the "so-called" top golf playars. There's FIB @ Mr Yezza, the top-ranked golfer in the 2005 alumni golf tour, our ayam tambatan, handicap 18, tapi selalu main cam 12...FR, memang bagus mamat ni, gua and Bro AJ, the most serious golfer I've ever played with.... concentrate on his golf game the whole 18 holes.
The VIPS came in on time. The golf started on the dot. I played quite well. Came back to the club house at 2 under. Met Bro AJ, dia kata main 1 over. No prob, FR will cover, and he did. Came back with 4 under. Takpa Mr Yezza ada, dia musti bole cover punyer. Pas tu nampak Mr Yezza, lambai-lambai tangan ngan senyuman manis sambil geleng-geleng kepala.
"Hello Mr Yezza, camner? ada OK?
"Ayoyo, sorry aa Brother, gua main 15 over ari ni!!!!! Hancus, gua tak bole main la, mamat yang main ngan gua kasi gua tension, dia main par-birdie, par-birdie, came back with 38-38, 4 over gross"
"Aiks, teruk nyer ko main, jang oii.... habis le harapan kita nak ambik hadiah.. Siapa mamat yang main 4 over gross tu?"
" Tu budak badan besar tu, orang panggil dia MG"
"Cheists, ....."
In the end, satu benda pun tak dapat. 2 under aku tu cuma layak dapat no. 21 dari 106 players. Hadiah plak sampai no. 15 ajer. Si MG? Dia dapat jadi Champ la. Kureng Asam betul.
"Aik, cam lain macam je handicap bebudak yang aku kenal ni? " citer aku ke alumni brothers. " Si MG, yang badan besar, pernah plak jadi goalkeeper malaysia ni, cam mana bole main handicap 10...Kat PTGC dia main 4... and sometimes jadi "coach" to ZAB yang jugak single handicapper"
Arghh, Lantak ko la nak main ngan handicap apa, I will still play with my official handicap. TEAM A of the alumni consist of the "so-called" top golf playars. There's FIB @ Mr Yezza, the top-ranked golfer in the 2005 alumni golf tour, our ayam tambatan, handicap 18, tapi selalu main cam 12...FR, memang bagus mamat ni, gua and Bro AJ, the most serious golfer I've ever played with.... concentrate on his golf game the whole 18 holes.
The VIPS came in on time. The golf started on the dot. I played quite well. Came back to the club house at 2 under. Met Bro AJ, dia kata main 1 over. No prob, FR will cover, and he did. Came back with 4 under. Takpa Mr Yezza ada, dia musti bole cover punyer. Pas tu nampak Mr Yezza, lambai-lambai tangan ngan senyuman manis sambil geleng-geleng kepala.
"Hello Mr Yezza, camner? ada OK?
"Ayoyo, sorry aa Brother, gua main 15 over ari ni!!!!! Hancus, gua tak bole main la, mamat yang main ngan gua kasi gua tension, dia main par-birdie, par-birdie, came back with 38-38, 4 over gross"
"Aiks, teruk nyer ko main, jang oii.... habis le harapan kita nak ambik hadiah.. Siapa mamat yang main 4 over gross tu?"
" Tu budak badan besar tu, orang panggil dia MG"
"Cheists, ....."
In the end, satu benda pun tak dapat. 2 under aku tu cuma layak dapat no. 21 dari 106 players. Hadiah plak sampai no. 15 ajer. Si MG? Dia dapat jadi Champ la. Kureng Asam betul.
Friday, July 08, 2005
X, an award winning ebiz company...used to be
I used to have some percentage of ownership in my previous company. Let's call the company, "X". X was an award winning "ebiz" company and has been raking in monay from various large corporations in Malaysia and a few internationals. Now, it's just a distant memory. Came up with the idea of selling it to a buyer in a meeting after seeing that we, the directors/owners, do not gel well in running the business. Ada puak-puak dalam tu. Ada orang cucuk MD, ada sebahagian sokong gua. Last-last gua fed-up, gua cakap "okay, I"ll find a buyer, at least we can make some monay". Pasal apa aku yang kena carik? sebab yang lain tu, kerja diorang cuma duduk kat opis, pandang siling and surf internet. Tak kenal sesiapa and tak nak ambik effort to kenal sesiapa pun. Di pendekkan citer, kita orang jual kat my mentor. Sampai sekarang dia asyik kata aku con dia on the sale.kah,kah. I've left the organization since. I sent in my resignation letter , 20 minutes after a cynical remark by the MD. My mentor was not in Malaysia that week. Sent him an SMS and he called me immediately asking me on what had happened and why the sudden decision. I just said, "takda apa, saja nak cuba something else kat luar". That was a year and three moths ago.
Last three weeks, Mr ASH, my golf buddy, now working in a Venture Capital organization, called me saying that he's now doing a pre-due-d on X. He's interested to get X for the track records and the current customer.
"sapa ada lagi kat sana?" tanya gua.
"L and S"
"Apa dia orang buat?" tanya gua lagi.
"L cakap yang mentor ko still owe the original directors yang still remain in the company RM X million, masa memula dulu dia cuma bayar kat korang part of the amount"
" kah,kah, kah, la pasai tu ka dia orang still stay kat sana? ASH, to get that, there are clauses le, ko gi check la ngan the mentor"
Morale of the story: kalo ko jual your ownership in a company, understand the agreement clauses inside and out..... I stop here....
Last three weeks, Mr ASH, my golf buddy, now working in a Venture Capital organization, called me saying that he's now doing a pre-due-d on X. He's interested to get X for the track records and the current customer.
"sapa ada lagi kat sana?" tanya gua.
"L and S"
"Apa dia orang buat?" tanya gua lagi.
"L cakap yang mentor ko still owe the original directors yang still remain in the company RM X million, masa memula dulu dia cuma bayar kat korang part of the amount"
" kah,kah, kah, la pasai tu ka dia orang still stay kat sana? ASH, to get that, there are clauses le, ko gi check la ngan the mentor"
Morale of the story: kalo ko jual your ownership in a company, understand the agreement clauses inside and out..... I stop here....
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Besok kena pakai batik!!!
Got an sms from our alumnni golf manager, Mr RS, " Pls wear batik during prize giving ceremony". Aiks, sejak bila plak kena pakai batik for golf luncheon. Gua balas balik "r u serious, tak pernah plak gua kena pakai batik for any golf event", dia balas " Dgn Agong tu"
Ahhh, the golf tournament that I've been training for the last two weeks. Inter-Alumni golf championship 2005, organized by Sohaka, will be held at Kota Permai GCC. I was selected to represent the alumni. We were the champ last year. I think I'm ready for it. Been playing quite well lately. But in golf, anything can happen. Hopefully, besok either the team or gua adalah placing. Kalau tidak, sia-sia aje aku pakai batik besok. he he...
Ahhh, the golf tournament that I've been training for the last two weeks. Inter-Alumni golf championship 2005, organized by Sohaka, will be held at Kota Permai GCC. I was selected to represent the alumni. We were the champ last year. I think I'm ready for it. Been playing quite well lately. But in golf, anything can happen. Hopefully, besok either the team or gua adalah placing. Kalau tidak, sia-sia aje aku pakai batik besok. he he...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
To be an end-user or a vendor; the choice is yours...Choose wisely
Last week was extremely hectic. Was involved in a few brainstorming sessions that lasted up to the wee hours. Primary KPIs, secondary KPIs, objectives, standards, targets. I was seconding a person to do a PM's job at a customer's place. The guy is smart about B2C marketing , but know nuts about Project Management. One thing positive, he's willing to learn and willing to take-up the challenge. Hey, that's good enough for me. I've sent a guy before him that gave up just two weeks after staying at the customer's place. One thing I learned, "Managing expectation of a customer takes a lot of patience".......... Thinking about it more deeply, I felt sorry for the vendors that has to deal with my temper and expectation during my end-user era. Masa dulu-dulu teruk aku kerjakan vendor-vendor yang tak memuaskan hati aku. Tapi tu dulu, sekarang aku plak jadi vendor. Hampeh.
Morale of the story; "What goes around, comes around"
Morale of the story; "What goes around, comes around"
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Month of June 2005
88T 83 87 83@ 83 84 81 78 88@ 78 83 83 90 88 84 91 85@ 87 91T 87
Club Handicap : 10
Wow!!!!!! Kira dasat jugak gua
Club Handicap : 10
Wow!!!!!! Kira dasat jugak gua
Monday, July 04, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
I was reading the "STARBiz" when I stumbled upon the new management team of the largest TELCO in Malaysia. YAY's face was there, but one thing that's different, he got the title "Datuk" in front of his name. Aiks, bila plak mamat ni dapat datukship? Lantakla. ... SMS YAY to congratulate him on his "datukship". Within less than ten seconds, dia jawab " Mana ada. Datuk given by the STAR not by the Sultan!!!"
Answered his SMS "Ye ke? aku ingat aku miss. Shud not be long la"
Dia jawab balik " Not something that I find xciting. Thank u anyway"
Datukship memangla tak berapa xciting YAY. Susah la nak mengurat "celebrities".Betul tak? Nanti masuk lak ruang gossip " Penyampai dari stesen TV no 1 menjalinkan hubungan ngan Datuk Y". He He
Answered his SMS "Ye ke? aku ingat aku miss. Shud not be long la"
Dia jawab balik " Not something that I find xciting. Thank u anyway"
Datukship memangla tak berapa xciting YAY. Susah la nak mengurat "celebrities".Betul tak? Nanti masuk lak ruang gossip " Penyampai dari stesen TV no 1 menjalinkan hubungan ngan Datuk Y". He He
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