Came back from Jakarta last Saturday evening. The presentation went OK. Eventhough notebook gua meragam a few minutes before I"m about to deliver the speech, gua sempat reboot the notebook and get it back to normal working condition. And then in the plane, sempat gak aku sound sorang mamat yang tak reti nak meng"off"kan handphone dia bila dah masuk kapalterbang. Dia kata "one last sms, gotta do this, very important". Aku sound balik "then you should not be in this plane". Mencuka muka dia. He reluctantly turn-off the phone. Peduli apa gua. Eventhough, from the REAL study, memang tak dak bahayanyer HP ni tu the operations of the plane. Kalau memang very bahaya dah lama syarikat-syarikat penerbangan ni beli HP jaming device yang harganyer tak seberapa tu, tapi ikut le undang-undang. Macam tak reti bahasa plak.
Sunday aku tak join the alumni golf tournament...Aku dengor 17 orang ajer main kali ni. Aiks, apasal turn-out kali ni very poor?? Niat memula nak spend time ngan family, tapi gian punyer pasal, aku main gak kat my kelab with the usual kakis. Played well, menang game and pool. Kira-kira, aku main free ajer golf minggu ni.
Malam plak, I've got a call from Mr Az, THE PROJECT MANAGER from my largest customer, saying that I could pick up the PO from him monday, ....then I've got news saying that the same customer has paid all the invoices expected from them while I was in Jakarta. Hey, hey, hey not a bad start to the merdeka week. I hope it gets better......
Monday, August 29, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Dinner @ House of Sunda, Balle Air, Jakarta
Garumi goreng tumis - best giler
Udang Mentega - above average
Cumi goreng tepung - biasa aje
Tahu/tempe goreng- lagi biasa
sayur campur best jugak - best
Sup buntut - cukup best
sambal mangga - best
ess kelapa cincau - kureng
Itu la menu makanan dinner aku malam ni kat House of Sunda, Balle Air, Jakarta. Bertambah dua pinggan gua makan....nak buat camner, gua lapar. Tengahari tadi kat Air Asia, gua duduk kat belakang. By the time, the stewardess cum penjaja barangan cum penjual makanan sampai, nasi lemak dah habis. Aku makan le turkey sandwich plus minum soya. Pagi gua breakfast ngan Mrs. makan roti canai ngan teh ais aje. Sampai Cengkareng, take a cab, tapi pasal "macet' yang teramat teruk, kena la duduk taxi selama sejam setengah. Hampeh bebenor.
Sampai ke hotel pas check-in, Indonesian partner gua suda sms kata dia kat lobi. Aku call Mr YKS to join me. Beborak lama gak pasal presentation yang perlu diberikan keesokan harinyer. Aku citer aku nak mandi dulu, so, Mr YKS kena la layan mamat2 ni. Aku saja take my time. Last-last diaorang call ajak gi dinner. Aku pun kata okla. Tempat makan ni cuma 2 Km from the hotel, tapi ambik masa 25 minit gak nak sampai. Tah apa-apa ntah. Anyway, the dinner was good..........Now aku nak tido. Good night
Udang Mentega - above average
Cumi goreng tepung - biasa aje
Tahu/tempe goreng- lagi biasa
sayur campur best jugak - best
Sup buntut - cukup best
sambal mangga - best
ess kelapa cincau - kureng
Itu la menu makanan dinner aku malam ni kat House of Sunda, Balle Air, Jakarta. Bertambah dua pinggan gua makan....nak buat camner, gua lapar. Tengahari tadi kat Air Asia, gua duduk kat belakang. By the time, the stewardess cum penjaja barangan cum penjual makanan sampai, nasi lemak dah habis. Aku makan le turkey sandwich plus minum soya. Pagi gua breakfast ngan Mrs. makan roti canai ngan teh ais aje. Sampai Cengkareng, take a cab, tapi pasal "macet' yang teramat teruk, kena la duduk taxi selama sejam setengah. Hampeh bebenor.
Sampai ke hotel pas check-in, Indonesian partner gua suda sms kata dia kat lobi. Aku call Mr YKS to join me. Beborak lama gak pasal presentation yang perlu diberikan keesokan harinyer. Aku citer aku nak mandi dulu, so, Mr YKS kena la layan mamat2 ni. Aku saja take my time. Last-last diaorang call ajak gi dinner. Aku pun kata okla. Tempat makan ni cuma 2 Km from the hotel, tapi ambik masa 25 minit gak nak sampai. Tah apa-apa ntah. Anyway, the dinner was good..........Now aku nak tido. Good night
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Nak gi Jakarta lagi.....
I'm going to Jakarta again this coming Thursday 25/08 to Saturday 27/08. No golf this time. All work and strictly business. We have been shortlisted to do consulting and system implementation for the 4th largest bank in Indonesia. This presentation will strictly be on the technicalities and functionalities aspect of the system. I'm bringing in Mr YKS with me. Both of us are consultants....that means we know how to talk, write, and propose on operations, project management and business processes. Implementation is definately not one of our strength. My technical team is stuck with the curent workload. Mr YKS is taking the responsibilities to present the system and will talk about the system implementation. Hopefully our Indonesian partner will give valuable inputs before the DAY. This is the 1st time I'm travelling to Jakarta with Mr YKS.
Selalunyer aku bawak si H. Budak aku yang berbudi bahasa, lembut tapi tak bole tengok perempuan lawa, sure nak kacau punyer. Masa memula aku jumpa mamat ni, aku ingat dia tak normal pasal lembut semacam ajer. A good proposal writer. Bole diharap untuk buat account management. Bawak si H ni membuatkan travel aku menjadi senang. Dia gi carik trolley, dia gi check-in and check-out plus getting the cab to the airport, he knows Jakarta and the best thing is that he plays golf. Ada gak kaki kalau aku nak main golf kat sana....
Mr YKS? Dia tak main golf da....
Selalunyer aku bawak si H. Budak aku yang berbudi bahasa, lembut tapi tak bole tengok perempuan lawa, sure nak kacau punyer. Masa memula aku jumpa mamat ni, aku ingat dia tak normal pasal lembut semacam ajer. A good proposal writer. Bole diharap untuk buat account management. Bawak si H ni membuatkan travel aku menjadi senang. Dia gi carik trolley, dia gi check-in and check-out plus getting the cab to the airport, he knows Jakarta and the best thing is that he plays golf. Ada gak kaki kalau aku nak main golf kat sana....
Mr YKS? Dia tak main golf da....
Monday, August 22, 2005

Semalam Kimi Raikonen menang F1 Turkish Grand Prix. Aku teramat la suka, pasai dia di sponsor oleh Tag Heuer. Jam Tangan cam kat atas tu. Hari tu, jam tu naik harga...bila Kimi menang, lagi la harga dia naik...melambung plak tu. He, he, untung la gua...masa gua beli, harga dia tak la semahal sekarang ni. Yesssssss!!!!

Road-Hoggers.....get off the road, Moron!!!!
Hari ini aku rasa teramat bosan. It's just one of those days. Coming to the office, my car was behind two of the most sickening drivers I've ever seen....road hoggers. The one on the left, memang le slow, kira bole la di maafkan. Worse, the one on the right pun lebih kurang sama aja speed dia. And paling yang aku tak tahan dia bole buat bodo aja. Flashed my headlights, honked him a a few times, tapi dia memang buat selamba. Kereta kat belakang aku pun macam tak sabar gak. Nak cilok no space. Last-last, aku potong ikut emergency lane. Terasa plak macam berlakon "Italian job". Ewah. But I guess today was not my day...a few minutes later, I was again stuck behind another moronic road-hogger. Hampeh!!!!!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Bad Presentation Day....
Sucks....big time. That's how my presentation went today. I looked and sounded like an amateur.
Two days ago, the customer which came from the BANK, wanted me to present to their new owner , a system that we have implemented at the customer's place. The subject is something that I know like the back of my hand. Confident as hell, I cramped on a lot of materials into my slides....why?...coz I'm the expert Bro.... in between , there were a lots of other thing that I've got to do.
The presentation was at 4:30pm. Finished doing the slides at about 2.30pm. Run through it, for about 10 minutes and then off I went. No dry run, no nothing. I've done a lot of presentation before this. Spoken in seminars before. Should be routine.
Once the presentation start, I seem to lost all my presentation skill. I was really struggling. The flow of the presentation was very unfamiliar. It's not as smooth as my previous presentations. It was bad, I was even reading the text on the slides...a real no,no. My messages were distorted, I was going all over the place and was not getting accross to the audience by the looks of their body language. If this was the "American Idol" audition, I would have gotten the boot just 10 minutes into it. The presentation lasted for 2 hours. The next will be a presentation to the Group Resource Director. I was lucky today. I scraped through the presentation...barely.
Next time...don't be over-confident. Give yourself enough time to be familiar with the presentation flow. AND a new Xda beside me while giving the next presentation will probably help to impress the think?. he,he
Two days ago, the customer which came from the BANK, wanted me to present to their new owner , a system that we have implemented at the customer's place. The subject is something that I know like the back of my hand. Confident as hell, I cramped on a lot of materials into my slides....why?...coz I'm the expert Bro.... in between , there were a lots of other thing that I've got to do.
The presentation was at 4:30pm. Finished doing the slides at about 2.30pm. Run through it, for about 10 minutes and then off I went. No dry run, no nothing. I've done a lot of presentation before this. Spoken in seminars before. Should be routine.
Once the presentation start, I seem to lost all my presentation skill. I was really struggling. The flow of the presentation was very unfamiliar. It's not as smooth as my previous presentations. It was bad, I was even reading the text on the slides...a real no,no. My messages were distorted, I was going all over the place and was not getting accross to the audience by the looks of their body language. If this was the "American Idol" audition, I would have gotten the boot just 10 minutes into it. The presentation lasted for 2 hours. The next will be a presentation to the Group Resource Director. I was lucky today. I scraped through the presentation...barely.
Next time...don't be over-confident. Give yourself enough time to be familiar with the presentation flow. AND a new Xda beside me while giving the next presentation will probably help to impress the think?. he,he
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I'm getting bored with the old PDA. I might as well shop for a new one. Choices are as follows;
1) O2 Xda IIs, priced at around RM3,700.00....loaded with features which I"M NOT GOING TO USE....
2) HP iPaq 6515, priced at around RM2,888...also loaded with features which I"M NOT GOING TO USE....
Maybe I'll just get the RM99 Mp3-player....hmmmmm

Monday, August 15, 2005
PTGC Captain's Trophy and PGA Championship
Did quite well in the PTGC Captain's trophy. Shot an 80, for 2-under par of the handicap. Not bad. No 13 out of 136 participants in Gross Score. Dapatla hadiah yang menyukakan wife gua. Set of "Luxury Comforter" with a matching bedsheet...tanda harga kat situ, RM430. Kira Ok la. The flow of the tournament were tremendously slow. In some holes, there were 3 flights waiting to tee-off. Sucks...Big time. My flight mate, Mr Z Misai was having a real-bad day. He was the "joker" of the day by shooting a 10 at the par 3 no.13.
PGA Championship...Tiger Woods...1st day, no 126, 2nd day, no 64, 3rd day no 20, last day tied for 3rd, just before they stop play due to weather delay. Oii Yooo....Dasat!!!
PGA Championship...Tiger Woods...1st day, no 126, 2nd day, no 64, 3rd day no 20, last day tied for 3rd, just before they stop play due to weather delay. Oii Yooo....Dasat!!!
Friday, August 12, 2005
Hazy...but decided to play golf with two of my golf buddies. PTGC. Started the game quite bad. After only five holes, I was already 11 over, 1 over my handicap of ten. On the next hole, I got a birdie. Then a par. Then a birdie again, followed with an EAGLE... Hey,hey, hey.. I'm back on track. 7 over on the first nine. Not bad considering the lousy start on the first 5 holes.
The second nine was something else. I was really in the zone, man. EIGHT PARS , with a BIRDIE on the finishing hole. 35 on the back nine. 1 under. That was the first time I've ever played a whole nine, scoring 1 under gross. Total of 6 over gross. 9 pars, 3 birdies and 1 eagle. 4 under my HC. 78...Made my day...HAZY MAZY... Oh, and one other thing, won quite a bit today.
YEE HAAA !!!!!!
The second nine was something else. I was really in the zone, man. EIGHT PARS , with a BIRDIE on the finishing hole. 35 on the back nine. 1 under. That was the first time I've ever played a whole nine, scoring 1 under gross. Total of 6 over gross. 9 pars, 3 birdies and 1 eagle. 4 under my HC. 78...Made my day...HAZY MAZY... Oh, and one other thing, won quite a bit today.
YEE HAAA !!!!!!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
N, get well soon...banyak kerja ni
I've got a message saying that N collasped at the customer's place during a meeting yesterday. Ambulance were called to take him to the emergency ward. His blood pressure shot up to 170. Hypertension close to a stroke. He was immediately admitted to the G hospital for 3 days thorough observation. The doctor diagnosed that N has a hormon disorder that results in his blood pressure to shoot up. When that happened, his body will just ceised to function .
Visited him yesterday. He looks ok but I know that he's not really okay. N, get well soon, buddy.
Kerja banyak...gotta reshuffle the resource schedules....ARGHHHHHHH!!!! SOMEBODY HELP......
Visited him yesterday. He looks ok but I know that he's not really okay. N, get well soon, buddy.
Kerja banyak...gotta reshuffle the resource schedules....ARGHHHHHHH!!!! SOMEBODY HELP......
Ada salah seorang customer aku yang selalu pening. Aku panggil dia Mr AA. Boss dia aku panggil Mr H ajalah. Both of them comes from a large Malaysian bank, which becomes larger when they bought an Indonesian bank and then become even larger when they were bought over by another Malaysian bank. Masa memula aku masuk as a consultant kat sana, him and his boss were only interested to start the project pasai it effects their KPI . Masa tu kening aku dah berkerut. " cam mana nak make sure project ni jalan, this is not really a technology project, it's about resource improvement ... needs a lot of coordination and buy-in from different divisions, the tecnology is just a tool to get to where you wanna be. To ensure success, I need the customer to be passionate about the project"
After the first meeting...Mr H cakap...
"We can do it ourself, why do you need the other divisions involvement?"
"All I want is for that to be installed in our system!!!!"
"Don't want to do that workshop, waste of time!!! I need to show results to management NOW, got that!!!"
Anyway, after a lot of guiding and consulting plus pushing, dia orang ni ikut jugak cakap aku and my team.... cuma yang teruk buat kerja kat sana bukan la depa, tapi bebudak dia orang especially si J, minah gym. In a way, kira okay gak la, J nampaknyer telah banyak loose weight sejak masuk project ni. Makan hati kot... lagipun Mr AA asyik carik dia aja. Dapat la jadi orang kepercayaan Mr AA.
Mr AA akan call aku bila ada problem. Sometime kecik jer problem tu, tapi when it comes from Mr AA, the problem will become very big. First word; " Golfer Melayu, aku pening la!?" After 3 hours, aku plak yang jadi pening....
After the first meeting...Mr H cakap...
"We can do it ourself, why do you need the other divisions involvement?"
"All I want is for that to be installed in our system!!!!"
"Don't want to do that workshop, waste of time!!! I need to show results to management NOW, got that!!!"
Anyway, after a lot of guiding and consulting plus pushing, dia orang ni ikut jugak cakap aku and my team.... cuma yang teruk buat kerja kat sana bukan la depa, tapi bebudak dia orang especially si J, minah gym. In a way, kira okay gak la, J nampaknyer telah banyak loose weight sejak masuk project ni. Makan hati kot... lagipun Mr AA asyik carik dia aja. Dapat la jadi orang kepercayaan Mr AA.
Mr AA akan call aku bila ada problem. Sometime kecik jer problem tu, tapi when it comes from Mr AA, the problem will become very big. First word; " Golfer Melayu, aku pening la!?" After 3 hours, aku plak yang jadi pening....
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Venture guys look more like vultures
Let's look into your mid-year company performance review...
1) Invoice amount-Projected : RM X millions
Actual : 85% of RM X millions
Strategy moving forward : gotta think of how to invoice 1.5 times of RM X millions, we are going for IPO , remember...gotta show healthy profit, my man
My answer: Yikes!!!????
2) By 2005, what are the Contracts amount secured?
Target Vs Actual ; x%
My answer : the actual is really the target, ha,ha 100% achievement ....can I have my 25% pay raise now?
3) Target Pipeline
What's the ideal qualified pipeline size?
= 5x 0f RM X million
What are the strategies to get there? What are the resources needed?
My answer: Have to get 2 more quality and good strategy and business consultants and on top of that, can I have more money to spend on branding and marketing???
Venture Cap ; " NO bro, that's a big no, no........ we need to think of the cashflow. OUR business fundamentals and disciplines needs to be adressed. Be prudent. Bla,bla,bla"
1) Invoice amount-Projected : RM X millions
Actual : 85% of RM X millions
Strategy moving forward : gotta think of how to invoice 1.5 times of RM X millions, we are going for IPO , remember...gotta show healthy profit, my man
My answer: Yikes!!!????
2) By 2005, what are the Contracts amount secured?
Target Vs Actual ; x%
My answer : the actual is really the target, ha,ha 100% achievement ....can I have my 25% pay raise now?
3) Target Pipeline
What's the ideal qualified pipeline size?
= 5x 0f RM X million
What are the strategies to get there? What are the resources needed?
My answer: Have to get 2 more quality and good strategy and business consultants and on top of that, can I have more money to spend on branding and marketing???
Venture Cap ; " NO bro, that's a big no, no........ we need to think of the cashflow. OUR business fundamentals and disciplines needs to be adressed. Be prudent. Bla,bla,bla"
Jadi bujang???
Minggu ni gua jadi orang bujang. The wife kena gi her alumni gathering in Muar. Budak MRSM. Pergi Sabtu , balik Ahad. Anak-anak plus the maid nak hantar ke in-laws. So, this week , aku nak balun main golf puas-puas. Sabtu with the same flight mates yang main ngan aku since the last three weeks. Ahad, PTGC Captain's Trophy. Wow!!! This is going to be interesting. Khamis ni nak main kat Sri Selangor kot. Relax la kan. Company quota dah achieved. Kita cuma perlu prospects ... GOOOOOD PROSPECTS for next year. So apa lagi nak buat..main golf aja la. What a life?!!
Monday, August 08, 2005
AJ, mana lu....
Pepagi hari ni , aku dapat a frantic call from my sub. Last week aku suruh dia gi ke Kuala Terenganu, to my customer's subsidiary, to do job scoping. Supposed to go with AJ. Told her to communicate directly with AJ for logistics.
"Golfer Melayu, I dah kat KT airport, batang hidung AJ tak nampak pun, I tengah geram ni!!!!, I nak balik KL the next flight"
"Miss F, relax..bawak le AJ's HP"
"Dah call, tak berjawab!!!"
"Ok, i'll get back to you"
Argghhhh..sudah, ni problem ni. Sudahlah flight ticket company tanggung. Kalau tak da hasil, dah kira membazir ni.
Got another SMS from Miss F
"His mobile is off. If the trip was cancelled last mnt he didnt mention it tis mrng whn i calld him. now im still at the airprt waiting dnt knw 4 wat. sorry kacau u but i tgh geram ni. tak pro lansung siAJ ni"
Gua call AJ, berkali-kali, tak dapat. Last-last aku call office dia. Tanya sub si AJ, kalau-kalau dia tau ke mana mamat ni pergi.
" Aku pun problem ni , Golfer Melayu...Semua call aku...tanya pasal AJ...customer aku call..AZ call.."
"OK, ko suruhlah AZ call Miss F kat airport, suruh dia ambik , and then , go to the meeting...pas tu baru le ko cari AJ"
"Right, I'll do that"
SMS Miss F, said somebody will call and pick her up. Aku tak tau apa yang jadi pas tu.
Last SMS from Miss F
"Ok, meeting dah habis. Thx"
Phuh....lega gua. AJ, lu mana pergi?
"Golfer Melayu, I dah kat KT airport, batang hidung AJ tak nampak pun, I tengah geram ni!!!!, I nak balik KL the next flight"
"Miss F, relax..bawak le AJ's HP"
"Dah call, tak berjawab!!!"
"Ok, i'll get back to you"
Argghhhh..sudah, ni problem ni. Sudahlah flight ticket company tanggung. Kalau tak da hasil, dah kira membazir ni.
Got another SMS from Miss F
"His mobile is off. If the trip was cancelled last mnt he didnt mention it tis mrng whn i calld him. now im still at the airprt waiting dnt knw 4 wat. sorry kacau u but i tgh geram ni. tak pro lansung siAJ ni"
Gua call AJ, berkali-kali, tak dapat. Last-last aku call office dia. Tanya sub si AJ, kalau-kalau dia tau ke mana mamat ni pergi.
" Aku pun problem ni , Golfer Melayu...Semua call aku...tanya pasal AJ...customer aku call..AZ call.."
"OK, ko suruhlah AZ call Miss F kat airport, suruh dia ambik , and then , go to the meeting...pas tu baru le ko cari AJ"
"Right, I'll do that"
SMS Miss F, said somebody will call and pick her up. Aku tak tau apa yang jadi pas tu.
Last SMS from Miss F
"Ok, meeting dah habis. Thx"
Phuh....lega gua. AJ, lu mana pergi?
Last Friday....
Gila punyer busy...sampai time-management aku pun lari. Pepagi dah kena gi jumpa "the big customer" kat KL Tower. Kena lak borak sikit...."Golfer melayu, lu ingat, next week Tuesday, kena kasi presentation tu our boss"....Ok...
By 11am, aku dah kat office, menghabiskan proposal to an Indonesian Bank. 12.45...Solah Jumaat.....2pm Balik dari solah...Menghabiskan proposal plus chat through Yahoo Messenger with my Indonesian partner plus tengok-tengokkan proposal yang sedang dibuat oleh budak aku. Dapat plak a YM from my alumni sista..."mana dia gambar-gambar yang you cakap nak upload for viewing tu". Opps sorry, very busy...Sunday night gua buat...Aku siap hisap rokok dalam bilek aku....dah tak da masa nak keluar. Everybody's looking at me....Arghh, lantak la. Aku kena balik by pukul 5pm, patutnyer la, pasal rumah in-law aku ada kenduri pas maghrib. 5.40pm baru dapat keluar...aku suruh si N, communicate ngan the Indonesian. Sampai rumah..6.20pm...mandi, solah, pas tu, masuk MPV, with the whole family, went over to my in-laws..A journey that should have taken 45 minutes became 1 hour and 20 minutes...due to jam. Sampai sana majlis dah start. Solah borak-borak...tolong-tolong sikit..12.20am..saturday...balik, left the kids with the in-law, coz I've promised the Indonesian that I'll be on-line at 1 am....7 am, gi pasar...petang lepak...suruh wife ambik bebudak...
Ahad....Main golf la...yahooooooooo!!!!!!!
By 11am, aku dah kat office, menghabiskan proposal to an Indonesian Bank. 12.45...Solah Jumaat.....2pm Balik dari solah...Menghabiskan proposal plus chat through Yahoo Messenger with my Indonesian partner plus tengok-tengokkan proposal yang sedang dibuat oleh budak aku. Dapat plak a YM from my alumni sista..."mana dia gambar-gambar yang you cakap nak upload for viewing tu". Opps sorry, very busy...Sunday night gua buat...Aku siap hisap rokok dalam bilek aku....dah tak da masa nak keluar. Everybody's looking at me....Arghh, lantak la. Aku kena balik by pukul 5pm, patutnyer la, pasal rumah in-law aku ada kenduri pas maghrib. 5.40pm baru dapat keluar...aku suruh si N, communicate ngan the Indonesian. Sampai rumah..6.20pm...mandi, solah, pas tu, masuk MPV, with the whole family, went over to my in-laws..A journey that should have taken 45 minutes became 1 hour and 20 minutes...due to jam. Sampai sana majlis dah start. Solah borak-borak...tolong-tolong sikit..12.20am..saturday...balik, left the kids with the in-law, coz I've promised the Indonesian that I'll be on-line at 1 am....7 am, gi pasar...petang lepak...suruh wife ambik bebudak...
Ahad....Main golf la...yahooooooooo!!!!!!!
Monday, August 01, 2005
Credit Card
Everybody uses plastic. Bukan sebab apa, satu senang, satu lagi, senang nak berhutang. he he. Sejak kat US dulu aku dah pakai credit card. Credit limit pun limit student la. Now, I have 4. Credit limit pun kira bole tahan le. I gave one supplementary card to my wife. Credit limit for the supplementary cuma RM1K. Kena control le sikit, betul tak? Wife aku pernah gak ngomel suruh increase the credit limit, aku selalu buat tak dengar aje.
Semalam pas aku balik dari main golf, dia tunjuk aku a brand new "digital camera".
"Wooiiyoo, ni bagus ni... Berapa?"
"RM1,500 , 5.2 megapixel, ada zoom, storage pun ok.."
"Aikkk, banyak plak duit you?"
"Pakai Credit Card le...."
Ooooo... rope-ropenyer dia baru ambik credit card sendiri. Caya la. Nanti bole le bawak aku ke "San Francisco Steak House" KLCC. Candle light dinner ke. Pas tu bole makan "Haagen Dazs" yang 1 scoop RM14.50. he he
Semalam pas aku balik dari main golf, dia tunjuk aku a brand new "digital camera".
"Wooiiyoo, ni bagus ni... Berapa?"
"RM1,500 , 5.2 megapixel, ada zoom, storage pun ok.."
"Aikkk, banyak plak duit you?"
"Pakai Credit Card le...."
Ooooo... rope-ropenyer dia baru ambik credit card sendiri. Caya la. Nanti bole le bawak aku ke "San Francisco Steak House" KLCC. Candle light dinner ke. Pas tu bole makan "Haagen Dazs" yang 1 scoop RM14.50. he he
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